Javier Milei met with Pope Francis for more than an hour in the Vatican 2024-02-12 09:45:00

by time news

The recent friendly embrace of Javier Milei and Pope Francis seems to have confirmed his definitive desire to make peace and recover dialogue. The private audience that took place this Monday from 05:00 a.m. (09:00 a.m. in Rome) provided a new framework for the national president to strengthen your bond with the Church and gain support regarding the Government plan launched since December 10.

The president arrived at the Holy See a few minutes before the scheduled time, at 8:58 (Italy time), accompanied by a delegation made up of the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei, the Chancellor Diana Mondino, the Minister of Interior, Guillermo Francos, the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, the announced Secretary of Worship, Francisco Sánchez;, and the designated ambassador to Israel, Axel Wahnish.

In the previous private meeting with the Supreme Pontiff, Milei was received with head of state honors by the Pontifical Swiss Guard and then he was escorted to the Papal Library of the Apostolic Palace.

Everything indicates that Milei wants to return to Argentina with the confirmation of the Holy Father’s visit to the country during the year, which would represent the finishing touch to his international tour.

The sinuous relationship between Milei and Pope Francis: from “evil” to “his Holiness”

Before the ceremony canonization of blessed María Antonia de San José de Paz y Figueroa (1730-1799), better known as Mama Antulathe link between Milei and His Holiness continued to present certain unknowns.

Javier Milei and Pope Francis

The relaxed and affectionate nature of Milei’s first meeting with the Pope in the Vatican prepared the ground for this Monday’s exchange, probably more formal, to take place without the tensions that months ago had deepened the disagreements.

Javier Milei and Pope Francis

In principle, Karina Milei, general secretary of the Presidency, would be part of the audience at the direction of Franciscowho is aware of the importance that his sister’s presence has for the president.

Once the audience with the Supreme Pontiff has concluded, Milei plans a meeting with the Secretary of State of the Holy See, Cardinal Pietro Paroli.

Javier Milei and Pope Francis

Back in Rome, the President will have a meeting with Italian pair Sergio Mattarella and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Javier Milei in the Vatican 20240212

Javier Milei in the Vatican 20240212

Javier Milei in the Vatican 20240212

This Monday first thing in the morning, Javier Milei arrived at the Patio San Damaso of the Vatican to attend the audience programmed in the Papal Library, located on the second floor of the Apostolic Palace.

The official Vatican schedule is governed by a strict protocol, according to which the head of state and his delegation – made up of Karina Milei and Diana Mondino – are first received by the person in charge of the Prefecture of the Papal Household, Leonardo Sapienza, who deals with papal logistics.

Next, Milei and the delegation are taken to the second floor (to the so-called “second Loggia” of the Apostolic Palace), to reach the anteroom of the Papal Library.

The president is then told when he can enter the Library to begin the audience with the Holy Father.

The summit between Milei and the Pope has the particularity of taking place in an unprecedented context for the countrygiven the magnitude of the economic crisis and the notable impact of the economic ‘shock’ measures promoted by the libertarian government.



2024-02-12 09:45:00

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