Javier Milei travels to Corrientes and prepares new decrees | He will be at the tenth anniversary of a libertarian club – 2024-02-19 15:03:07

by times news cr

2024-02-19 15:03:07

Sobrero asked that all unions in the sector join the railway strike on Wednesday

The general secretary of the Western Section of the Railway Union (UF), Rubén ‘Pollo’ Sobrero, today asked that “all unions” that bring together workers from the Trenes Argentinos company join the national strike called by the union La Fraternidad for the next Wednesday.

The left-wing union leader made the request through a video broadcast on social networks, in which he called for “the unification of the measure” of force “by the four railway unions.”

“The loss of our purchasing power reaches 50% in two months of this Government of the ultra-liberal (Javier) Milei; privatizations put our job stability at risk and our retired colleagues receive the lowest pensions in recent times,” he argued.

The Government advances with the deregulation of social works

Spokesman Manuel Adorni reported that in the next few hours the regulations of DNU 70/23 will be known, which aims for each worker to make their contributions to the social work they choose when hired. The deregulation of social works had been stopped by the justice system, along with the rest of the labor chapter of the decree, through various precautionary measures requested by the CGT.

Adorni said that the intention is to give “much more freedom” and announced that “the Ministry of Health is going to give all the explanations.” He announced that workers will be able to change social or prepaid work once a year.

The middle class burns mattress dollars

By Mara Pedrazzoli

A new phenomenon is taking place in exchange houses, with people selling their savings. Those who “scratch” at the end of the month cannot afford extra expenses, others directly need to supplement their salary with foreign currency that they bought at a higher price very recently.

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Aguiar: “If the Government does not offer an increase equal to inflation, there will be no agreement”

The general secretary of the Association of State Workers (ATE), Rodolfo Aguiar, assured that the union will reject any salary proposal made by the national government in the joint negotiation of the sector if the offer is below the 20.6% increase. just like the inflation index was in January.

“If the Government does not offer a 20.6% increase, like January’s inflation, the conditions for an understanding are not met” in the joint negotiation, scheduled for this afternoon, Aguiar said.

In radio statements, the union member warned that “if the joint agreement is not in accordance” with the expectations set by the union, “forceful measures” will continue.

They confirm the continuity of the executive director of the ESMA Memory Site Museum

President Javier Milei confirmed the continuity of María Marcela Gorosito as head of the Executive Directorate of the ESMA Site Museum, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site last September and located where the largest clandestine detention center in the country operated during the last civil-military dictatorship. .

The measure was taken through decree 149/2024, signed by the President and the Minister of Justice, Mariano Cúneo Libarona, published in today’s edition of the Official Gazette.

The ESMA Site Museum is a decentralized organization that operates within the scope of the Human Rights Secretariat of the Ministry of Justice of the Nation.

The Government asked the Supreme Court to validate the labor chapter of the DNU

The national government appeared before the Supreme Court of Justice to try to reverse, through an extraordinary appeal, the ruling that declared unconstitutional and suspended the application of the labor chapter of the decree of necessity and urgency (DNU) 70/23, judicial sources reported.

The presentation made by the Attorney General of the Treasury of the Nation (PTN), the team of lawyers representing the national State led by Rodolfo Barra, includes criticism of labor justice and the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), whose representation he questions.

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Milei’s mother is hospitalized for observation due to “hypertension”

The mother of President Javier Milei was admitted this morning to a Buenos Aires sanatorium after suffering from “hypertension,” reported from the Casa Rosada.

Alicia Luján Lucich is under medical “observation” at the Otamendi Sanatorium, located in the Recoleta neighborhood.

For now, the president keeps this afternoon’s trip to Corrientes on his agenda.

The Government’s revenge against the CGT: Deregulation of social works and cuts in the Solidarity Fund

The libertarian administration does not forgive the labor union for rejecting the DNU and is going for more. Sturzenegger and Caputo plan to deregulate and defund social works, which affects the millions of affiliates. “It’s a hold-up from the 90s,” said the Secretary of Social Action of the labor union, José Luis Lingeri.

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Cristina Kirchner on the increase in poverty: “Today we are already worse than in 2004”

Former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner He once again resorted to his X account (ex Twitter) to criticize the government of Javier Milei and especially that of Mauricio MacrYo. This time he referred to the jump in lPoverty measured by the UCA and stated that this trend began in 2018, from the mega-indebtedness with the International Monetary Fund.

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Milei travels to Corrientes to attend the tenth anniversary of a libertarian club

President Javier Milei will participate in the city of Corrientes in the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Freedom Club, which brings together the community of local liberal thought.

The event will take place starting at 7 p.m. at the “Espacio Andes” convention center, located at 3840 Maipú Avenue, in the capital of Corrientes. There the head of state will speak at a conference titled “A liberal Argentina is possible.”

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