Jean Dujardin and Antoine Dupont unite against “Current Values”, which responds – Libération

by time news

2023-09-16 17:33:50

Rugby World Cup 2023 in FrancedossierDisplayed on the front page of the far-right weekly, the actor Jean Dujardin and the captain of the XV of France, Antoine Dupont, denounced a “recovery” company. Not to the taste of the weekly, whose director published a long letter of justification on Saturday.

Being called old-fashioned is still okay. But being used for an identity battle that only exists in the brains of the extreme right, no way. Featured on the front page of the weekly Valeurs Actuelles, the actor Jean Dujardin and the captain of the XV of France, Antoine Dupont, counterattack.

Under the title “France rugby”, this week’s issue is enthusiastic about the “well-behaved supporters, patriotic players, exemplary values” that the editorial team believes would be conveyed by the Rugby World Cup which has been taking place in France since September 8 . We also talk about “the recipes of a rooted sport that has become a model for society” before rolling out a long list of columnists, from Patrick Sébastien to Bernard Laporte via Robert Redeker, polemicist threatened with death in 2006 after virulent remarks against Mohammed.

Everything is embodied by a smiling Jean Dujardin, in his costume from the opening ceremony, and Antoine Dupont applauding the crowd at the Stade de France. “France rugby yes, your values ​​no, no recovery, thank you,” posted on Instagram the actor and director of last Friday’s show, which many observers found corny. In the process, the Blues scrum half, one of the rare athletes to have signed an open letter calling to vote for Emmanuel Macron in 2022 to block Marine Le Pen, reposted the image and the warning.

To support their denunciation, the two men hid the title of the weekly in their image. The message had the merit of being brief and clear. The response from Current Values ​​is… two pages long. Tugdual Denis, the editorial director of the weekly, posted a “letter from a spurned lover” on Saturday September 16 on X (formerly Twitter).

“You mention the word recovery. Because we are (and will remain) genetically a conservative right-wing newspaper? Believe us, we would never think of the word recovery if we saw your faces on the front page of Libération, l’Humanité or l’Obs. Because everyone has the right to love you, each newspaper is free in its publications,” writes Tugdual Denis. “We loved you before, we will love you after. We love you without knowing who you vote for, he continues. We love you without worrying about your possible religion or your skin color. We love you without knowing if you love us (now we know). […] publications.»

Last Friday, the opening ceremony was supposed to “celebrate the French art of living”, with an action taking place in the 1950s and the central character Jean Dujardin, poulbot mustache, white knitwear on his back, cap on the head mimicking the baker putting his bread in his oven. The spectacle was mocked by many, including Libé who titled “Allez la Rance”, evoking “the sepia postcard of a France that smells of mothballs”.

Jean Dujardin, known worldwide for The Artist, responded Thursday on Instagram. “The second degree that I always liked to use was not understood and I regret it. We should certainly have remembered that our country is widely criticized for being contentious and grumpy. It’s a shame that we couldn’t escape it when there was such good will,” wrote the man who also plays a parody of a French spy in the OSS 117 film series. This ceremony should never have pitted us against each other. but bring us together. I am an artist, I will not be the standard bearer of any party. I’ll leave you to settle your affairs between yourselves. I wanted it to be a ceremony of open-mindedness, sharing and joy. I keep this beautiful emotion warm. Come on, Blues,” he concludes.

#Jean #Dujardin #Antoine #Dupont #unite #Current #Values #responds #Libération

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