“Jean-Luc Mélenchon explicitly creates a gap between the French people and Yaël Braun-Pivet”

by time news

2023-11-02 09:00:09

So Mr. Jean-Luc Mélenchon wrote, about the pro-Palestinian demonstration of October 22 in Paris, Place de la République: “ This is France. Meanwhile Madame Braun-Pivet camps in Tel Aviv to encourage the massacre. Not in the name of the French people! » So, on one side the French people, on the other Mrs. Yaël Braun-Pivet, president of the National Assembly, second person in the State, democratically elected by her fellow deputies. No observer has noted this opposition which gives all its salt to the famous “camp” by explicitly establishing a gap between France and Ms. Yaël Braun-Pivet.

Because if the President of the National Assembly is “camping” in Tel Aviv, it is explicitly because she left the national territory to support the massacre and not to go “camping”, as some Internet users argue, but also several of his colleagues not devoid of humor, such as the deputy for Haute-Garonne, Hadrien Clouet [LFI]who exclaims: “ We will have to close all Decathlon stores in France! »

Hell, for what other reasons would the President of the National Assembly, a crucial figure in French political life, respected by the vast majority of her colleagues, suddenly decide to go “camping” in Tel Aviv? Is it to choose one’s “side”? But in this hypothesis, we would say things clearly without remaining in this mysterious “camp”. Will she abandon her eminent function, preferring the horrors of wild camping? We cannot imagine it from a viscerally attached state Jew, like so many others since the emancipation of September 1791. [date d’obtention de la citoyenneté des juifs en France]to the values ​​of the Republic.

“Word Police”

So, what does this strange apostrophe mean, this “camp” which astounds people? Let’s not look for noon to 2 p.m. Is it not because her links with Jewish history push her to flee France, the real one, the one which launches its pro-Palestinian slogans (without the shadow of a criticism of the deliberate, bestial and implemented action? scene of Hamas towards Israeli civilians or others) to take refuge in Tel Aviv where she temporarily pitched her tent?

Also read the interview: Article reserved for our subscribers Pierre Birnbaum: “The valley of tears of Jewish history extends to American society”

Certainly, nothing of the sort is said: we are careful not to push the envelope too far, to put forward a hypothesis which, we can hope, remains inaudible in France, fortunately still republican, attached to the principles of equality of all. citizens whatever their values ​​and cultures. Rejecting such insinuations which we can only blame, Mr. Jean-Luc Mélenchon strongly protests against Braun-Pivet (who has since lost her first name), who, moved by his apostrophe, would dare to indulge in a “word police” unacceptable by seeing in this “camp” an anti-Semitic dimension that she seems to want, wrongly it seems, to compare to the concentration “camps” where certain members of her family disappeared. She adds that Mr. Mélenchon’s comments appear to her as “ a new target that we [me] put in the back ».

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