Jean-Luc Mélenchon in Marseille to denounce police violence

by time news

2023-09-23 19:31:00

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, present this Saturday in Marseille for the demonstration against racism and police violence, once again denounced the latter.

By NJ with AFP In Marseille, Jean-Luc Mélenchon denounced police violence. (Illustrative image) © QUENTIN DE GROEVE / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP Published on 09/23/2023 at 7:31 p.m.

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“Two months after Nahel’s death, we are still not consoled and we still do not accept that people are being shot for refusing to comply.” Saturday September 23, in Marseille, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of France Insoumise, once again denounced police violence, during the demonstration against the latter and racism in the police, in reference to the 17-year-old teenager killed by the shooting of a police officer during a road check at the end of June in Nanterre.

“There are cases where, in fact, refusing to comply can be dangerous, but that’s part of the job,” he continued. He believes that France “needs community policing that views its relationship with the population differently than in the relationship of intimidation or provocation”.

“It is a suffering that parents are obliged to teach their own children that they must be careful and particularly wary of arrests, because of their skin color or their religion,” Jean-Claude further argued. Luc Mélenchon.

« Banlieue lives matter »

Marches against police violence were organized in several cities in France on Saturday, including Paris, where a few incidents broke out, including a police car being stoned and a bank damaged.

In Marseille, which also received a visit from Pope Francis, the demonstration brought together 3,000 people, according to the organizers. “Suburbs lives matter”, “We refuse to obey state racism” or even “We do not forget Zineb, we do not forgive”, could we read on signs displayed by the demonstrators present in the second city of France. This last message mentioned Zineb Redouane, an octogenarian who died in 2018 after being hit by shards of tear gas grenade during a demonstration.

#JeanLuc #Mélenchon #Marseille #denounce #police #violence

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