Jean-Luc Mélenchon wants to put an end to the “solitary exercise of the power of one man”

by time news

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who hopes to become Prime Minister by winning a majority in the Assembly with the left alliance in June, wants to “dismantle presidentialism” and put an end to the “solitary exercise of power by a single man “, Emmanuel Macron, he explains Friday in Release.

A “profound upheaval”

The leader of La France insoumise, who believes that the legislative elections constitute “the third round of the presidential election”, considers that “an extremely profound upheaval” is possible. “For the first time, a cohabitation would arise two months after the presidential election, and in complete political contradiction with it”, he underlines in this forum.

In the event of “fundamental divergence between the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister”, “I said that the problem would be brought before the National Assembly”, he explains.

Article 50-1 in question

The tribune Insoumis points out that “a parliamentary group may, by means of the procedure provided for in Article 50-1 (of the Constitution), obtain a statement from the Prime Minister on the policy of his government in a particular area or on a special question. This procedure does not require a vote, but it does not prevent it from taking place”.

In addition, “a parliamentary group can put a resolution to the vote and nothing prevents it from relating to the subject of the dispute in the executive branch” between the president and the prime minister. “In my eyes, this is a radical re-parliamentarization of the exercise of political power in France”, insists Mélenchon, who sees it as “an essential stage in the dismantling of presidentialism”.

The End of “One Man Power”

He underlines that within the framework of the shared government program of the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes), between LFI, EELV, the PS, the PCF and Générations, the programmatic disagreements between the signatory organizations, which “represent only 5 % of the total of the 650 proposals”, “will be settled by the vote of the parliamentarians”.

“The credibility and governmental stability appear as clearly guaranteed as the pre-eminence of the debate and the decision of parliamentarians is affirmed”, he boasts, judging that “such a mode of action would follow a long phase of spectacularly solitary exercise of one-man power”.

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