Jean-Michel Blanquer sprayed with whipped cream by two teachers in Montargis

by time news
Invested by the Republic on the Move (LRM), the former Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer (here May 22, 2022) is a candidate in the 4th constituency of Loiret.

Jean-Michel Blanquer was campaigning on a market in Montargis (Loiret), Saturday June 4, when two men splashed his face with whipped cream. The public prosecutor of Montargis, Loïc Abrial, announced shortly after that the two men, aged 51 and 57, were secondary school teachers and were “immediately placed in police custody for intentional violence in a meeting”.

Unknown to justice, they are “currently being heard by investigators from the Montargis police station”, added the prosecutor. The former Minister of National Education, candidate for La République en Marche (LRM) parachuted into the 4e constituency of Loiret, has “not hurt”selon M. Abrial.

Support from Elisabeth Borne and Pap Ndiaye

“An election campaign is a moment of democratic happiness through exchange. Things are going well here in Montargis meeting the citizens. I have just been assaulted by two individuals who want to break this. Let’s not accept it”, wrote on Twitter Mr. Blanquerwho filed a complaint.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Legislative elections 2022: the complicated parachuting of the candidate Blanquer in the Loiret

The candidate received the Prime Minister’s supportElisabeth Borne : “The debate, the confrontation of ideas are always riches. Physical or symbolic violence has no place in our democracy. »

The Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, also reacted on the social network by writing that “Democratic life can only exist in a debate of ideas respectful of the men and women who commit”.

The World with AFP

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