Jean-Philippe Tanguy, the new tribune of the RN in the National Assembly

by time news

On the far right of the hemicycle, the deputies of the National Rally (RN) applauded wildly, Monday, July 25, in full examination of the amending finance bill. Among them, Jean-Philippe Tanguy, elected in the 4e constituency of the Somme, particularly satisfied. A few seconds earlier, the chairman of the session, Sébastien Chenu, also a member of the RN group, announced the good news: the amendment tabled by an elected Les Républicains relating to 230 million euros in state aid for oil-fired fireplaces is adopted, against the advice of the government.

If the 36-year-old elected official expresses his joy so much, it is because he publicly defended this amendment, joined in his fight by the socialist Claudia Rouaux. Discreetly, it was also he who ensured that the vote was not done by a show of hands, as is sometimes the custom to go faster, but during a public ballot with a precise count of the voters for put the deputies “in the face of their responsibility”. A profitable strategy and a “huge victory for purchasing power”quickly welcomed by Marine Le Pen on Twitter.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Purchasing power: a bill passed with difficulty in the Assembly after an eruptive session

The sequence – between shadow and light – summarizes the importance that the former deputy campaign manager of the presidential candidate acquires within the far-right group in the National Assembly. “He was one of the linchpins of Marine Le Pen during the campaign and now he reveals all his competence”savors Laure Lavalette, the spokesperson for the group in the Assembly.

Apart from the two vice-presidents of the RN session, he is the deputy of the party who – as of July 27 – has spoken the most in the Hemicycle, according to the site nosdéputé, with 91 interventions, far ahead the 78 of Marine Le Pen, the president of the group. At the podium or at the microphone, he alternates winks on the right on the management of public finances, smiles on the left on the defense of low-income families or diatribes against the government and its strategy for EDF.


During one of his remarkable speeches, following the examination of the bill on purchasing power, in the middle of the night, Tuesday July 26, he notably urged the left-wing coalition to “silence for France”narrowly missing his voice. “A Clown Appearance” for the deputy of Essonne Antoine Léaument (La France insoumise, LFI), who according to him translates “a particularly developed hubris”.

“We had sat for twenty hours in a row, we were all tired, he almost devoted himself to go there”defends his colleague from the Var, Laure Lavalette, who praises his quality of power “to speak at short notice”, on many technical subjects. A rare profile among party executives, more inclined to intervene on subjects such as immigration or security.

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