Jennifer Hermoso’s statement before the prosecutor’s office regarding the non-consensual kiss of Luis Rubiales

by time news

2023-10-10 00:09:48

BarcelonaThe program Code 10 de Telecinco has had access to Jennifer Hermoso’s statement before the prosecution in the context of the trial of Luis Rubiales, ex-president of the Spanish Football Federation (RFEF), for the kiss on the mouth without consent after the final of the Women’s World Cup. The player’s explanations, corresponding to September 6, allow us to reconstruct how the events happened.

“We went back to the dressing room, in a celebratory atmosphere, a historic event. My feeling was that I couldn’t steal the spotlight in any way. To protect all my teammates, I didn’t think it was worth acting any other way. I didn’t want to involve them in something that wasn’t their fault, nor was I, and I wanted to enjoy something that had been so difficult to achieve. It was a bit of a crazy atmosphere,” contextualizes the player. “At that moment I tried to keep my heart strong and focus on enjoying myself with my girlfriends. I didn’t want to regret not enjoying the moment. It was very clear what I had felt at that moment, but I hadn’t seen the image of kiss and what they were talking about until they show it to me in the dressing room. When we see the pictures it’s how it really was.”

Hermoso explains a decisive fact. “I’m in the dressing room and suddenly Lara Álvarez comes in and tells me that the president needs me to come out. He’s outside and he’s already starting to tell me that there’s a lot of talk about the kiss… I tell him I know how it went and that it wasn’t good… You know the one that will fall on you because what you did was in front of everyone. He tried to explain it to me again and I told him that he shouldn’t. The one that would fall on him on top of what had happened He told me he wanted to say something to the girls let’s hang out together [al vestidor] and he was aware of what was happening. We were not so aware of the magnitude of the events. He came in saying this about the paid trip to Ibiza [com a recompensa a les jugadores], I was already a little nervous and I was next to him and he was holding me. He was holding my shoulder and he started saying all this and already people started shouting and continuing to celebrate.”

The footballer also explains that, when he asked her to leave the dressing room, she knew it would be to talk about the kiss. “I came out thinking: fuck, that’s it. I thought I would let go of whatever it was so that I could draw strength from the facts. I was not aware of it at the time, but they [amb relació a Rubiales i d’altres càrrecs de RFEF] from the outside yes I started to feel uncomfortable and that something serious had happened. Which was not a very normal thing. I had already felt it in the first moment and, at that moment, I began to be more aware of it.” Hermoso also remembers that, until the kiss without consent, he maintained a “cordial relationship without anything strange” with Rubiales.

The narration of the moment of the kiss, by Jennifer Hermoso

In his statement, Hermoso describes the moments before the kiss. His version only coincides with that of Rubiales that the two exchanged a few words before the former president of the RFEF kissed him on the mouth. “The first thing I say to him when I hug him is the one we read [en referència al triomf d’Espanya, guanyadora del Mundial>>. Ell salta damunt meu, jo em mantinc ferma per a aguantar-nos. Em baixa [després d’aixecar-la amb els braços] and he tells me that we won the World Cup thanks to me. The next thing I remember are his hands on my head and I don’t remember hearing anything else”, assured Hermoso before the prosecution. The footballer insists that she only told him “the one we read”, before being lifted up and kissed by Rubiales.

Regarding the statement that the RFEF issued on Hermoso’s behalf with her statements after the kiss to try to iron out the matter, Hermoso claims that she did not say or write “anything” about the content of this statement.

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