Jerusalem IL: A celebration of Jerusalem culture in November

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Shows and culinary in Jerusalem

Nation Stage: An enveloping cultural experience that includes performances by leading artists, in which the leading Jerusalem chef, Avi Levy from the HaMoziah restaurant in Jerusalem, will host. Before each show, the general public will be offered a fine Jerusalem culinary celebration conducted by him in the Agam Lounge complex that will be designed for the event, with 6 stalls with a variety of authentic Jerusalem dishes at attractive prices starting from NIS 20 to NIS 45 per dish only. The guests will enjoy an extraordinary cultural experience accompanied by fine cuisine and music. Among the shows: Lynette hosts Ashtar, a stand-up show by Adir Miller, a celebratory show by Shlomi Shabbat to mark 40 years of creation, Yehoram Gaon and Esther Ofarim together and separately, and more.

The Nation Stage Festival will be held at the Nation Buildings International Congress Center Jerusalem. For more details and to order tickets

The details of the events and performances of the Nation Stage in the Nation Buildings Jerusalem (Photo: Yehcat)

A dish by Chef Avi Levy that will be served at the Nation's Stage festival (Photo: Dan Lev)A dish by Chef Avi Levy that will be served at the Nation’s Stage festival (Photo: Dan Lev)

Art and artificial intelligence

ZERO ONE: A digital art festival operating at the intersection of art, technology, myths and magical acts returns to the Tower of David. Three days of international cutting-edge art with music performances in collaboration with Musrara Radio, lectures, light and sound shows, digital artworks, lectures and more. The festival and its contents will deal with thoughts around artificial intelligence, and in particular with the question of where the line is between artificial and natural. The festival aims to develop a language that will make it possible to imagine the foundations of the emerging digital world, and review the history of the future through tools of creation, art, experience and research. The festival is part of the festival scene that exists around the world such as Mutek in Montreal, or Sona + D in Barcelona and other cities in the world that promote digital art.

The Zero One v2.5 festival will take place from November 11-13. The events will be held at the Tower of David Museum, some are paid and some are free with advance registration. For details and viewing events

A spring that fed the creation.  ZERO1NE Festival in Jerusalem (Photo: Orna Kalgard)A spring that fed the creation. ZERO1NE Festival in Jerusalem (Photo: Orna Kalgard)

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War and peace in literature

Far and near: The International Writers’ Festival of the Truman Institute at the Hebrew University and Beit Agnon in Jerusalem will deal with war and peace, conflicts and possible solutions, as they are expressed in Hebrew, Palestinian and international literature. In the various meetings, they will talk about peace and war in the light of literature, about political poetry as love poetry, about the story of Shi Agnon “From Enemy to Lover”, about Leonard Cohen’s visit to Sinai with the author of the book “Who’s in the Fire” Mati Friedman, about life alongside the feminist struggle and The “zero hour” of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The festival will be attended by Prof. Ariel Hirschfeld, Ron Khachalili, Noa Dayan, Jompa Lahiri, Vivian Gornik, Mati Friedman, Rana Abu Friha, Belha Ben Eliyahu, Prof. Ayman Agbaria and more.

Far and Near Festival will be held between November 20-23. The events will be held at Beit Agnon Jerusalem, at the Truman Institute at the Hebrew University and on Zoom. Participation is free of charge. It is recommended to register in advance. For details and viewing events

Mati Friedman, author of the book Mati Friedman, author of the book “Who’s in Bash” about Leonard Cohen’s visit to Sinai (Photo: Mary Anderson)

Children of life

How do you spell child? The Caron Theater is initiating for the first time a conference on children’s culture that aims to delve into the important questions that arise from the culture created today for children. The conference is intended for creators, educators and therapists in all fields including: art, performing arts, therapeutic art, educators, television, literature and students in any of the relevant professions, and for anyone who wants to examine the interface between culture and childhood. This is an interdisciplinary conference that will be held every year on International Children’s Day starting on November 20.

In addition, at the conference, the children’s library of the Caron Theater named after Dalia Yaffe Mayan will be launched. Dalia Yaffe Mein is the CEO and artistic director of the Karon Theater and of the International Puppet Theater Festival, who passed away about a year ago. Dalia worked hard to promote the art of artistic puppet theater in Israel and did a lot to expose the young audience in Israel and the world to this unique art.

Conference How do you write a child? Will be held on November 20, 2022 at the Carron Theater, Mishkan Davidson, Bell Garden Jerusalem, between the hours of 10:00 and 16:00. Regular ticket price NIS 70. NIS 50 discount card. to register and purchase tickets

How to write a child conference at the Carron Theater (Photo: Yehsat)How to write a child conference at the Carron Theater (Photo: Yehsat)

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