Jerusalem: murderous shooting attacks during Shabbat • 7 murdered on the 14th

by time news

Seven Jews were murdered in a shooting attack that happened last night (Saturday night) near a synagogue in the Neve Yaakov neighborhood in Jerusalem. Three more Jews were seriously and moderately injured in the attack. This is the worst attack that has happened in Israel since 2011.

In another attack that happened today in the morning in the city of David, two Jews, a father and his son, were seriously injured (they are in a stable condition). The son, an officer in the paratroopers, managed to neutralize the terrorist, only 13 years old, who arrived at the scene by bus.

The shooting attack in the Neve Ya’akov neighborhood began at 8:13 p.m., when a terrorist arrived on Neve Ya’akov Boulevard in Jerusalem and fired at a number of civilians who were passing by on the street. As a result of the shooting outside a synagogue, 7 Jews were pronounced dead and 3 others were moderately-critically injured. After the killing spree and the shooting attack, the terrorist escaped using the vehicle with which he arrived at the scene.

Following the reports received by the police after the attack starting at 20:14 about the shooting at the scene, large police forces were called to the scene. At 20:18 a patrol officer and a police volunteer of Sheft station in the Jerusalem district noticed a few hundred meters from the scene the suspect vehicle in which the terrorist was driving wildly towards them. They were joined by another policeman from Sheft station, and the police force chased him on foot and on horseback. After an exchange of fire with the terrorist, the policemen who tried to contact him neutralized him, and later he was pronounced dead.

Checking the terrorist’s identity reveals that he is a 21-year-old resident of East Jerusalem. At the scene of the terrorist’s neutralization, a loaded gun with cartridges and ammunition was caught near him. It was also reported that the terrorist acted alone at the scene.

Large police forces were called to the scene and worked together with the emergency and rescue forces to save lives and evacuate the victims for medical treatment.

The Prime Minister, the Minister of National Security, the Commissioner of Police and the Commander of the Jerusalem District arrived at the scene of the attack along with other senior officials of the police and security forces, and conducted situation assessments at the scene.

MDA paramedic Paddy Dekidak He told about the attack in Neve Ya’akov: “This is a very serious attack. We saw a woman and 4 men lying on the road. They suffered gunshot wounds and had no signs of life and we had to pronounce them dead on the spot. 3 more wounded, including a 70-year-old woman in critical condition, were evacuated to Hadassah Hospital in Mount Scopus.”

MDA paramedic A field ornament She added: “When we arrived at the scene, we saw a number of injured people lying down. When there was no traffic on the boulevard, we saw a 30-year-old man unconscious with several gunshot wounds. We performed advanced resuscitation operations on him and evacuated him during the resuscitation operations to the hospital and unfortunately the doctors pronounced him dead.”

Ihud Hatzla paramedics said this week: “On Saturday night we heard gunshots and were told about a number of casualties as a result of a shooting attack in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, the death of 7 people was determined to have been shot to death – some of them at the end of resuscitation efforts. Also: with the help of volunteer paramedics and doctors in the rescue union, we provided initial medical assistance at several scenes to three wounded (gunshot victims).

Defense Minister, Yoav Galantthere will be a special situation assessment in the next hour with the participation of the Chief of Staff, the head of the Shin Bet, the director general of the Ministry of Defense and other senior officials in the defense system.

Minister of Finance and member of the Political Cabinet Security MK Bezalel Smotrich Message immediately at the end of Shabbat:

Painful together with the whole house of Israel the terrible terrorist attacks on Shabbat.

Sending heartfelt condolences to the families and a full recovery to the injured. In this difficult time, I would like to strengthen the police officers and soldiers who work around the clock for Israel’s security.

The blood of those murdered by Hamas, the Palestinian Authority and also by the members of the Knesset from the Israeli Knesset who, instead of strengthening the IDF for their work in defending the homeland, sought over the weekend to inflame and encourage terrorism with despicable condemnations against the Israel Defense Forces.

Only if we know how to call the enemy by his name will we know how to defeat him. Arab terrorism stems from the hope of achieving achievements through it. Only if we know how to suppress hope, and restore deterrence, can we defeat terrorism.

The denial of residency and the deportation of the family, the freezing of the Palestinian Authority’s funds and the collection of a very heavy price from the immediate and supportive environment, together with the massive expansion of construction in Jerusalem and all over the country will make it clear to our enemy that the despicable terror they are unleashing under their control hurts them first and foremost.*

*Along with a series of security measures, I will demand that the construction plans in E1 in Ma’ale Adumim be immediately approved, that the planning council in Judea and Samaria be convened this week to approve all the construction plans on the agenda, that the neighborhoods from which the terrorists came out in Jerusalem be crowned and that strict law enforcement be carried out in all areas.

Minister of Energy, Member of the Knesset Israel Katz He called for immediate steps to be taken against terrorism: “Today I will offer to seal the terrorists’ houses until their complete demolition later – and to deport the nuclear families of the terrorists who live in Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria, including the father of the murdering terrorist who expressed joy over his son’s despicable act. We must create a clear deterrence and exact heavy prices from terrorism, its supporters and commanders”

The media reported on an unusual confrontation during Shabbat between the Minister of Defense Leumi Ben Gvir and between the ombudsman Miara, Ben Gvir demanded the immediate sealing of the terrorist’s house, the deputy asked to look into the matter first, and it was decided that the discussion would be brought up tonight in the cabinet.

Chairman of Torah Judaism, Minister of Construction and Housing and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Yitzhak Goldknopf Responded to the attacks on Saturday:

I was shocked to hear the terrible news about the murderous attacks in Jerusalem. Palestinian terrorism rears its head again when seven innocent Jews were murdered on Saturday night near a synagogue just because they were Jews. My heart goes out to the families of the murdered.

Together with the entire nation of Israel, I pray for the speedy recovery of the wounded. I thank the security forces for neutralizing the terrorists and strengthen the hands of the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense and the Minister of National Security who will respond firmly and act with an iron fist against Palestinian terrorism. Security must be restored to the citizens of Israel quickly.

Rabbi Moshe Reuven Assman The chief rabbi of Ukraine also said following the attack:

The heart breaks upon hearing the hard news that comes from the Holy Land, seven innocent citizens were murdered in severe attacks by evildoers during the last Shabbat in Jerusalem, including a citizen from Ukraine. Just yesterday we celebrated International Holocaust Day, and Jews still continue to be murdered. My heart is with the families of the murdered and my thoughts and prayers are with the wounded, that we may hear good news.”

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