Jesi / No compensation for car damaged by fallen tree

by time news

You didA few days after the release of the news on the Jesi woman That he had been waiting for an answer for 2 years from the insurance agency – regarding the damage suffered by your car due to the water bomb which had hit Jesi on September 17, 2022 -, the insurance was made finally feel with the interested party, apologizing for the late response the result of a communication misunderstanding, he wrote, but negandole anyway the compensation of the damages.

Jesi / No compensation for car damaged by fallen tree

The day after the article was published, in fact, a mail of the insurance agency from Genoa, addressed to the woman, explained that «Let’s follow up on the article in order to attach our cover letter, sent at the time by the colleague, which evidently must not have been correctly delivered to her”, the agency justified itself, attaching the form of the privacy which had to be signed and sent back, condition without exception to move the matter forward.

“A such a sudden response only after the article was published, after months of calls and e-maileven from the lawyer, we have not received the slightest response, it’s unbelievable“, said the shocked woman, who asked her lawyer to follow the exchange of e-mail with the insurance and then also send the form of the privacy signed.

After a few days from sending the privacy it has also arrived definitive answer regarding the compensation always from an agency in Genoa, commissioned, we read, by a company based in Brussels.

“We are Sorry ma it is not possible to proceed with the compensation. In light of the documentation and the investigation carried out, it appears that the event that caused the damage was a meteorological event of exceptional natureas such not attributable to the liability of the insured entity”, the Municipality of Jesi. This is stated in the text of the letter sent in response to the request.

A practice that in a few days went around Europe before having a negative outcome.

“I feel like I’m being mocked,” the woman admitted, “not only because of the process and timing of the case, the lack of answers and the silence for two years, broken only by a newspaper article, but also because of the final response.”

«Even though the meteorological event is of exceptional naturethe road and the trees are owned by the Municipality, therefore the Administration is responsible for them, indeed I believe that it is for this very purpose there is the form which I myself filled out to request compensation. Furthermore, I know cases of people in situations similar to mine who have been compensated.”

On that September 17, 2022, a tree had fallen on the right side of the car, a Citroën C3causing damage to approximately 3,750 euros. To be replaced the rear light, the rear window wiper arm, the radio antenna and antenna base, the drip molding and the roof rack bars.

While the repairs They included the roof, door frame and rear fender, rear hatch, rear bumper and rear door trim.

Then the attempt to ask for compensation through the Municipality, which had forwarded the case to the relevant insurance agency, while in the meantime the woman took care of the repair of the vehicle at her own expense, since it was a vehicle for daily use, which had to be repaired immediately.

Now the only solution to try to obtain compensation would be take legal actionas suggested by the lawyer.

«It would be a question of a cost of approximately 1,500 euros that, if I lost the case, I would have to pay out of my own pocket, in addition to the costs of the proceedings and in addition to what I have already paid to fix the car. I am not sure of winning and I can’t afford to pay any more expenses“, concluded the interested party who, with these words, reluctantly puts the end of the matter, certainly with a bitter taste in the mouth.

A regret that touches all of us a little, together with the feeling that something in this country it doesn’t work as it should and that the justice always be elsewhere.

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