Jews say: Enough of the genocide of the Palestinians!

by time news

2023-10-16 19:42:17

«Anti-Zionist Jews are demonstrating in American cities against the genocide of Palestinians by the State of Israel. Read the report Jewish Voice for Peace«.

More than two thousand Jews protested in front of the offices and homes of elected officials in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, Indiana, Florida and Los Angeles to demand action to prevent the genocide of the Palestinian people. The protesters ranged in age from 20 to 85, included elected state politicians, descendants of Holocaust survivors, students and rabbis. 80 protesters were arrested in the five cities as they blocked streets leading to the homes and offices of elected politicians, while thousands more supported them by singing Jewish songs of resistance and peace. In New York, thousands of people gathered at Grand Army Plaza and marched toward Senator Chuck Schumer’s home. About 60 people blocked Schumer’s home until police forcibly removed them. In San Francisco, police arrested 15 people who chained themselves to each other outside Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s office while another 200 protesters chanted around them. In Seattle, 150 people gathered outside Senator Patty Murray’s office holding signs that read “Jews Against the Genocide of the Palestinians.” 15 people occupied Murray’s office and six were arrested. In Los Angeles, 60 people, including members of the Jewish Voice for Peace [Voz de los Judíos por la Paz]UCLA students and members of If Not Now LA, gathered in front of Representative Brad Sherman’s office. In Chicago, 30 demonstrators protested outside Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s office. On Friday, October 13, the Israeli army ordered civilians in Gaza City (1.1 million people) to leave within 24 hours while it prepared tanks for a ground invasion. The UN said it was impossible to evacuate everyone with power cut and lack of water and food in the Palestinian enclave after Israel placed Gaza under total secrecy.

Israel has openly declared its intention to commit mass atrocities and even genocide, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the Israeli response “will reverberate for generations.” US President Joe Biden has expressed full support for him sending additional weapons to the Israeli military. We Jews of the United States of America believe that “never again” means “never again for anyone,” and that includes the people of Palestine. “Never again” even now, at this exact moment.

Translation: Natalia Estrada.

#Jews #genocide #Palestinians

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