“Jiménez cannot be forced to take office,” says lawyer about controversy in Court • El Nacional

by time news

The lawyer and former candidate for minister of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), Fernando Beconi, spoke to the newspaper The National about the controversial ordinary session of the Court where a majority wanted to impose Minister Eugenio Jiménez to assume the second presidency, otherwise “he will assume the consequences inherent in not complying with an oath,” warned the president, Carolina Llanes.

The lawyer expressed that if the magistrate Eugenio Jiménez had been the only figure who could assume this position, perhaps he could think that with his rejection he would be generating some type of acephaly that could somehow generate irregularity; however, in that room there are other members who could assume that position without much scandal.

“I do not know the motivation that (Jiménez) must have for which he does not assume, but I do consider that it is not possible for a minister in particular to be imposed this acceptance of the position,” said Beconi.

It indicated that the charge established by the Organic Law of the Court indicates the guidelines by which it must, at the beginning of each year, elect the board of directors where the president, first and second vice president are defined, but “the non-acceptance eventually and expressly I do not see contemplated, nor the causes for not accepting it, if we can observe that there is more than one member in the room, therefore if one is proposed in case it is found with him, in the designation of a majority because it was so , but he invokes not accepting the position, this can happen to the next two members who are also members, “he added.

In this sense, he wondered what are the consequences that Judge Llanes warned Jiménez after rejecting said charge.

“Dr. Carolina Llanes will have a position and a basis for stating that there are consequences, so it would be very interesting for Dr. Llanes to explain this consequence that can help us decide what the eventual consequent situation would be,” he requested.

He mentioned that it is the first time that this type of situation has occurred within the Judiciary and that they leave as an interpretation that Jiménez cannot or does not want to assume for some reason and another idea could be that in a hypothetical case he is interested in running for some other position. .

“These are deductions that we can make out of common sense, but unless he himself expresses the desire,” he said.

Finally, he said that the best and most convenient thing for the administration of Justice and especially for the very high positions held by these ministers of the Court, it is always good to have the public better informed of the powers they take. “I reiterate without prejudice to the right they also have not to explain,” he concluded.

Court adjourned for lack of quorum

Ministers Víctor Ríos and Manuel Ramírez Candia left Wednesday’s session of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), due to the inconvenience generated by wanting to impose the second vice presidency. Ríos expressed that they cannot force Eugenio Jiménez to accept the second vice presidency of the highest judicial instance.

“Only in the times of Hitler and Mussolini were candidates imposed,” Ríos said when he left the plenary session of the CSJ during the session.

Jiménez ratified his rejection of not accepting the position of the second vice-presidency of the judicial body. “I sit before the scaffold, targeted by the majority,” said Minister Eugenio Jiménez, responding to President Carolina Llanes, who reminded him that, as ministers, “we committed ourselves to all constitutional powers. Not doing it is up to each person. He will assume the consequences inherent in not complying with an oath.”

The discussion in that ordinary session of said Judiciary took place due to Jiménez’s refusal to occupy the position of second vice president, even though he was the most voted for by the members.

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