Joao Félix, the living image of the chaos and improvisation of this Barça

by time news

2024-01-09 00:02:36

You look at Joao Felix and you see the vivid portrait, the image, the representation of what Barça has become: a want and I can’t.

In the final judgment, which there will be, you will see, someone will ask Joao Félix what he has done with his life, how it is possible, how it was possible, that he had everything, everything, in his hands to become one of the guests at ‘Leo Messi’s table’ and he ended up becoming a vulgar waiter, a millionaire, yes, but incapable of taking advantage of his talent.

Emilio Alzamoradiscoverer or, at the very least, forger of the brothers Marc and Àlex Márquez, who between them have 10 world motorcycle titles, assures that he has met dozens and dozens of riders who are as talented or more talented than the brothers from Cervera (Lleida). “But with talent alone you won’t get anywhere, you need many more things. Talent is vital to be one of the different, but to that we must add sacrifice, training, attitude, professionalism, courage, love for what you do, learning, humility, desire to improve….”

It’s all your fault

Let’s not give it any more thought, I say this because we have spent years (and Joao Félix himself has fueled this thesis) believing that the main culprit was Diego ‘Cholo’ Simeone. And no, no, also in Barcelona, ​​in Barça, too Xavi Hernandez He has realized that the victimization of ‘Cholo’ is an invention (more) by Joao Félix himself to avoid that the person largely responsible for his lack of regularity, hunger, desire, greatness is he and only him.

It seems that the world is against him, when the problem is that it is Joao Félix who is going against the direction, what happens is that he has not crashed (or he has) because he is going 50 kilometers per hour. I repeat, Joao Félix is ​​like this Barça, which promises wonderful, beautiful, excellent football, full of wonderful or talented players and ends up being a mediocre team in search of results.

Joao Félix, like this Barça, is a market opportunity. Is a love and I can not. Because Xavi wanted Bernard Silva and Joan Laporta, supposedly to return one, two or three favors to his friend Jorge Mendesstayed with the Portuguese, of whom the ‘mister’ of Terrassa did not want to see a single painting and who, in the end, had to swallow him.

That is one of the toads that Xavi eats and will never report. That is why his bad mood continued in the press room, because he does not dare to say what he thinks. Not even what he thinks of Joao Félix, which would be easy to say because it is the same thing that 98.99% of Barça fans think.

Joao Félix, like so many other things, like all things in this family Barça, is an imposition of Laporta, who signed him (well, who sought his loan) because he reminds him of Johan Cruyff. And, not only that, he even committed the sin of giving him the mythical 14 that the ‘Prophet of Goal’which certainly irritates more than one.

Joao Félix is ​​not even aware that, after failing at Atlético and Chelsea, Barça is his last chance in the football elite

Joao Félix is ​​so daring that he even seems to care little, very little, about wasting, at 24 years old, the last opportunity (truly) that serious football, elite football, the one that chooses the diners at the dinner table, will offer him. Leo Messi. After Atlético de Madrid, Chelsea y BarçaJoao Félix will no longer have a team (for real) and will have to continue enriching himself wherever Mendes sends him, which could either be Saudi Arabia, although everyone is already starting to flee from there, or the US.

Xavi, his new ‘Cholo’

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The proof that Joao Félix wears Barça at Laporta’s true whim is that this boy, who cost Atlético a real million (120 million euros or something like that), did not have a team, since not even his owner wanted him in his rows. Since Barça was (and is) the way it was, he set up a fireworks display, turning a deaf ear to everything that had happened before with this Portuguese prodigy.

Being the president’s darling, Johan Cruyff’s clone, he received preferential treatment from the coach, who, in the end, will become the boy’s ‘new Cholo’, as he is already starting to get tired of his lack of football. zero commitment and even that haughty attitude of a captain without a ship who treats many of his companions with contempt.

#Joao #Félix #living #image #chaos #improvisation #Barça

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