Job scams are on the rise in Sweden – 2024-07-24 22:43:10

by times news cr

2024-07-24 22:43:10

The Bulgarian Embassy in Stockholm is alarming about a significant increase during the summer season of cases involving deceived Bulgarian citizens with promises of work in the Kingdom of Sweden. This was announced by the Executive Agency “Main Labor Inspectorate” (GIT).

Unemployed people, mostly of low social and educational status, arrive in Sweden at the invitation of friends or on the Internet with promises of work in construction or picking berries for unrealistically high wages. Already in the country they are forced to work under extremely difficult living conditions with very low or no pay, the Labor Inspectorate points out.

GIT reminds jobseekers abroad that no matter how they leave Bulgaria, they must leave Bulgaria with a written document with agreed terms of work and pay, such as remuneration, working hours, paid leave and others. A sure sign of a scam is asking for different types of placement fees that shouldn’t be collected.

Frequent such frauds are also reported from Ottawa. According to the information, through announcements in groups on social networks, private intermediaries ask applicants for work in Canada fees for carrying out various administrative activities. Part of the scam is also the provision of false documents that look like those issued by a Canadian institution, after which the collection of fees continues for other activities without reaching an actual departure.

At the beginning of the summer season and the active search for workers for seasonal employment, the GIT reminded that seasonal workers must receive from the employer an employment contract, notification of registration in the NRA and a job description.

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