Job | Work for children under four years of age; Nursing home in Japan invites applications

by time news
A nursing home in southern Japan has invited babies for an important vacancy. But what is their job? Babies under the age of four are tasked with making the elderly inmates of the nursing home laugh and be happy. The nursing home does this type of recruitment on the assumption that old people can find solace even in the smiles of babies.

Let’s see what are the requirements for the job. The workers must be children under four years of age. And their parents have to sign a contract. But there is a curiousity in this agreement too. Children should come to work only when they want. The company will provide milk powder and nappies to the working children as salary.

“Babies are allowed to rest when they are hungry, sleepy, or depending on their mood,” the agreement says. And so far, more than 30 babies have signed the agreement. Nursing home chief Kimi Gondo says more than 100 inmates at her nursing home are happy to see the babies.

The job ad says “we’re hiring babies” and they’ll be paid diapers and formula. Candidates have only one main responsibility. “Take a walk” around the nursing home with their caregivers, the ad says. “Children stay with their mothers all the time. This job is like taking them for a walk in the park,” Gondo said.

And nursing home residents are very happy to recruit babies. And older people talk to them more and hug them. Gondo said it makes them even happier.

Meanwhile, some children interact well with the inmates. Information from the nursing home says that they are now living here like real grandparents and grandchildren. But the news of children being employed in our country where child labor is illegal is something that arouses curiosity.

But a candy company in Canada recently invited applications for the position of CCO or Chief Candy Officer for the first time in the world. The CCO’s job is to taste thousands of candies each month. Children above five years of age could also apply for this job. The salary is up to 100,000 dollars or 61 lakh rupees per annum.

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