Joe Biden confuses Emmanuel Macron and François Mitterrand… then Germany and France

by time news

2024-02-06 08:37:47

Should we conclude from this that Emmanuel Macron did not mark it? During a campaign meeting, held in Las Vegas (Nevada) this Sunday, Joe Biden wanted to evoke a few memories to convince his audience.

He notably referred to a G7 summit “just after (his) election in the south of England”. “I sat down, and I said: America is back,” Joe Biden continued. “And Mitterrand, from Germany… from France looked at me and said: how long are you back? » “I looked at it, and the German Chancellor said to me: So, what would you say, President, if you read the London Times tomorrow, and you saw: 100 people burst into the House of Commons? “, continued the octogenarian, reporting a discussion on the assault on the Capitol by Trump supporters in 2021.

Confusion with Macron

Joe Biden was elected in November 2020 and his mandate began in January 2021. The summit in question having taken place in June 2021, François Mitterrand was of course no longer in power (he was president from 1981 to 1995) and he was, in fact, no longer even alive, since he died in 1996. Emmanuel Macron was, however, present to represent France. For Germany, Angela Merkel was still chancellor.

In the transcript of the speech released by the White House, Mitterrand’s name is crossed out and replaced by “Macron”.

The American president is not making his first blunder. And his detractors generally use Joe Biden’s mistakes to criticize his age. The 81-year-old Democrat wants to run for a second term. He is widely favored to win his party’s primary, and risks finding himself, once again, facing Donald Trump on the Republican side.

#Joe #Biden #confuses #Emmanuel #Macron #François #Mitterrand.. #Germany #France

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