Joe Biden tests positive for Covid-19, amid criticism that undermines his candidacy

by times news cr

2024-07-21 16:21:05

The American president, Joe Bidentested positive for Covid-19forcing him to cancel a speech before a Latino rights group in Las Vegas.

Janet Murguiapresident of Unidos US, announced the diagnosis on stage, as attendees began to wonder why Biden, 81, was 90 minutes late for his speech.

The 81-year-old Democrat was expected at the annual meeting of United Statesthe largest national civil rights organization for Latinos, a crucial demographic in his presidential campaign.

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At the annual event in Las Vegas, Unidos US dedicated part of the agenda to discussing the importance of Latino participation in the November elections, in which Biden seems to face a close rematch with Trump.

The 81-year-old Democrat had resumed a series of engagements in Las Vegas following the attempted assassination of his rival Donald Trump on Saturday.

Yesterday, the president attended the annual conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

Biden faces challenges to his candidacy following his questionable performance in the first debate of the campaign against Donald Trump nearly a month ago, where he appeared to be struggling to express himself and, at times, confused and tired.

Although the president has remained firm in his candidacy, in a recent interview he said that he could reconsider his candidacy if he is diagnosed with any health problem.

“If I had some medical issue that came up, if the doctors came to me and said, ‘You have such and such a problem,’” Biden told BET in an interview taped Tuesday, when asked what might make him reconsider his candidacy for the November election.

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As if that were not enough, the influential congressman Adam Ship On Wednesday, he became the most prominent Democrat to call on Biden to withdraw his candidacy in order to “ensure his legacy.”

“A second Trump presidency would undermine the very foundation of our democracy, and I have serious doubts that the president can defeat Donald Trump in November,” Schiff told the Los Angeles Times.


2024-07-21 16:21:05

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