John Bolton, former White House official, admits to having “participated in the planning of coups d’etat”

by time news

Former senior White House official John Bolton told CNN that he “helped plan coups” around the world.

Senior US official John Bolton, sacked in 2019 by Donald Trump from his post as national security adviser to the White House, confessed on July 12 on CNN to having helped plan attempted coups. State in foreign countries as he recounted the events on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021.

“As someone who helped plan coups – not [aux États-Unis]most [dans] other places –, [je peux vous dire] that it takes a lot of work, ”assured the former senior White House official to the American channel. According to him, the former president of the United States had not been “competent enough” to succeed “a carefully planned coup”, as related by Reuters.

“I saw what it took for an opposition to try to overthrow a president,” John Bolton commented on the political situation in Venezuela in recent years, in the face of which he actively supported the accession to power of the opponent Juan Guaido, in vain.

See also: US admits funding biological labs in Ukraine

In January 2021, Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor from April 2018 to September 2019, had estimated on Europe 1 that his presidency was nothing less than “an anomaly”: “Donald Trump was an aberration in the history of the United States,” he added.

On Twitter, the president of the UPR, François Asselineau, known for his analyzes of American geopolitics, stressed that these actions constituted a “crime under international law”.

American foreign policy has imposed itself in recent decades as the most interventionist there is, giving rise to numerous criticisms on the international scene, the most recent having focused in particular on the deadly consequences of the American intervention in Iraq. and in Afghanistan.

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