John Major and Tony Blair furious with The Crown series

by time news

The fifth season of The Crown, which will be released on November 9 on Netflix, has already upset at least two people. According to indiscretions, it is supposed to show King Charles III, then a prince (played by Dominic West), cutting short his holiday with Diana (Elisabeth Debicki) in 1991 in order to arrange a secret meeting with John Major at Highgrove, during which they reportedly discussed ousting the queen.

The former Prime Minister (1990-1997), annoyed by this anecdote which he considers false, denounced in a letter to the Daily Telegraph this episode like “deeply hurtful” whereas “the family still mourns the person the whole drama is based on”.

Netflix may well consider all advertising to be good advertising. But I assure them that is not the case – especially when we disrespect the memory of those who are no longer alive, or put words in the mouths of those who are still alive but are not. not able to defend themselves, writes Major in his letter.

Entertainment is a great and glorious industry which brings enormous pleasure to millions of people. Netflix shouldn’t belittle it with portrayals that are both hurtful and false”, he insists, scathingly.

“Fictional dramatization”

The series would also show Charles negotiating an alliance with Tony Blair, shortly after the latter’s victory in the 1997 election. “It should surprise no one that this is complete rubbish,” Blair’s (1997-2007) spokesperson told the English daily.

The series will also feature two episodes chronicling Diana’s controversial interview with former BBC journalist Martin Bashir. Broadcast in 1995 to a record audience (almost 40% of the British population), this interview allowed Diana to discuss her relationship and her separation with Charles.

Last month, Netflix added a disclaimer to The Crown trailer, insisting it was indeed a “fictional drama, inspired by real events”.

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The Daily Telegraph (London)

Atlanticist and anti-European in substance, pugnacious and committed in form, it is the leading conservative newspaper of reference. Founded in 1855, it is the last of the quality dailies not to have abandoned the large format.

Its agenda is very popular, in particular because of the Court Circular which presents the activities of the royal family every day. Another highly anticipated date is Matt’s ever-stylish and funny little cartoon on the front page. Held until early 2004 by media mogul Conrad Black, the title is now owned by billionaire brothers David and Frederick Barclay.

It is the first British daily to have opened a site in 1994, which is, by general opinion, one of the most complete in the Anglo-Saxon world. Very interactive, it puts all of the daily’s content online and, at the end of each article, it offers references to other links.

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