Join the HPV Pride Month Campaign and Say NO to HPV: Protecting All Genders and Ages from Cancer

by time news

2023-06-27 15:53:40

Campaign to stop HPV! The cause of cancer that can happen to all genders and ages.

Chulabhorn Royal College in conjunction with the Thai Gynecological Cancer Society Along with celebrities, Boon-Prem Korn-Proxie Dai-Diana joins in sending care and inviting them to join the parade to show their strength in the campaign “HPV Pride Month” NO HPV NO LIMIT #life without interruption until the HPV holiday. Create safety for every variety to have the best health in their own way.

Chulabhorn Hospital Chulabhorn Royal College in collaboration with the Thai Gynecological Cancer Society Integrating cooperation, moving forward to raise public awareness and build immunity against the HPV virus, organizing a campaign event under the campaign “HPV Pride Month” NO HPV NO LIMIT #life without interruption until the HPV holiday on June 27. 2023 at CRA HALL, Chulabhorn Royal College

Prof. Siriwan Tangjitkamon, President of the Thai Gynecological Cancer Society, said that this June falls on PRIDE Month, therefore it is a good opportunity to jointly organize an academic service, a public relations campaign to promote health knowledge to the public about the infection. HPV virus which the Association and Chulabhorn Royal College have continuously campaigned every year This year is held under the campaign HPV PRIDE Month NO HPV NO LIMIT #Life without interruption until the HPV holiday. By expanding the target group in the campaign to gender diversity and HPV, especially the prevention of sexually transmitted HPV infection, which is the main cause Sexual intercourse in all genders if protection is not taken care of. There are risks too. have the potential to be infected with HPV

“The cervical cancer long time campaign but still dominates the incidence rate second only to breast cancer Of the more than 9,000 cervical cancer patients found, half will die. It also found that more than 8 out of 10 people were exposed to HPV at some point in their lives. especially among men who have sex with men Found HPV infection 2-5 times higher than men who have sex with women. Infection if the immune system is good can be eliminated by itself. But it’s best not to get infected at all.” Prof. Dr. Siriwan said

side Prof. Dr. Nuttawut Kantathavorn, Acting Assistant Dean for Academic and Social Services Sriswangkhawattana College of Medicine Chulabhorn Royal College and head of the Center for Women’s Health Chulabhorn Hospital He added that HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus, a virus that infects the genital and anal areas such as

genital warts cervical cancer vaginal cancer vulvar cancer penile cancer anal cancer Oral and throat cancer

Every group has the same risk of HPV infection. and will not show symptoms If the body is weak, the infection can develop into cancerous cells. There are about 40 types of HPV that can cause disease, but only a few that cause disease frequently. HPV 6, 11 are two low-risk strains that cause warts. HPV 16, 18, 58, 52, 45 very violent species May develop lesions into various types of cancer in the future, with HPV being the main cause of cervical cancer, up to 70%, and 35 times more likely to develop cervical cancer than people who are not infected with HPV. equal

“HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58 are the seven most common causes of cervical cancer. Medical science has developed a way to screen for cervical cancer for women with advanced technology from HPV DNA detection. It can detect changes in cells that can take up to 10 years to occur. And sometimes until it is detected, it has entered the terminal stage of cancer.” Asst. Prof. Dr. Nuttawut said and reiterated that Recommended for women aged 30 years or older or those who have had sex. Consult a doctor for an HPV test. which can detect up to 14 strains, can also identify whether it is an infection that has a high risk of developing lesions or not. In addition, people who do not want to be examined internally may use HPV Self Sampling to screen themselves first.

The incidence of rectal cancer Asst. Prof. Dr. Nuttawut gave information that a group of men who had sex with men HPV eradication was found to be lower among men who have sex with women. are 20 times more likely to develop rectal cancer and mouth and throat cancer HPV-related Oropharyngeal Cancer (HPV-related Oropharyngeal Cancer) is currently found in the US and UK. Much higher than cervical cancer patients in Thailand and other Asian countries, although the incidence is less But from the study Meta-Analysis Data collection from many countries in Asia. Found that the prevalence of mouth and throat cancer was about 37% and was found to be increasing.

HPV vaccination increases immunity, therefore it is useful for all ages. It also helps reduce risk factors to prevent cancer. Currently, HPV vaccines are widely used. Both the 2-strain HPV vaccine (16, 18 ), the 4-strain (6, 11, 16, 18) and the 9-strain HPV vaccine (6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58) Can be injected from the age of 9 years old, with children aged 9-15 years being the age that creates the best immunity due to high immunity and not having sex. For people aged 15 years and over, receive all 3 doses of the vaccine.

Read related news : Stop Believing and Fearing Internal Examination! “Cervical cancer” know before it can be treated better.

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