Join the Parade to Stop HPV: HPV Pride Month Campaign by Chulabhorn Royal College and Thai Gynecological Cancer Society

by time news

2023-06-28 08:48:00

Wednesday, June 28, 2023, 1:48 p.m.

Chulabhorn Royal College in conjunction with the Thai Gynecological Cancer Society joined with Boon-Prem, Korn-Proxie sending concern Ready to invite you to join the parade to show your strength in the campaign “HPV Pride Month” NO HPV NO LIMIT #life without interruption until the HPV holiday

Chulabhorn Hospital Chulabhorn Royal College in collaboration with the Thai Gynecological Cancer Society Integrating cooperation, moving forward to raise public awareness and build immunity against HPV virus, holding campaign activities under the campaign “HPV Pride Month” NO HPV NO LIMIT #Life without interruption until the HPV holiday. to create correct knowledge and understanding Recognize the importance of preventing HPV, which can be transmitted through sex or close contact. And HPV can develop into genital warts. Or various cancers in the future, such as cervical cancer vaginal cancer vulvar cancer penile cancer anal cancer Oral and throat cancer These diseases can occur in any diversity group.

In June, which coincides with PRIDE Month, LGBT Pride Month. Chulabhorn Hospital Chulabhorn Royal College and the Thai Society of Gynecological Oncology therefore would like to invite Thai people of all genders Whether it is women, men and gender diversity, they are aware of the dangers of cancer caused by HPV. and joined the campaign to show their strength to stop HPV together in the “HPV Pride Month” NO HPV NO LIMIT #Life without interruption until HPV holiday event held at CRA HALL, Chulabhorn Royal College. Including open for viewing via Youtube CRA CHULABHORN Channel and Facebook Chulabhorn Hospital Chulabhorn Royal College in order to send messages to public relations campaigns to raise awareness for everyone to be awake knowledgeable, understanding Keep pace with the disease and prevent HPV infection. Reduce the risk of cancer caused by the HPV virus. with safe sex regular screening and HPV vaccination for immunity Creating a safe lifestyle for every diversity under the belief that everyone can have the best health in their own way.

At the event, there was a discussion activity to educate people on the topic. “Life doesn’t stop until HPV holidays” by Professor Siriwan M.D. Siriwan Tangjitkamon, President of the Thai Gynecological Cancer Society and Assistant Professor Dr. Nuttawut Kantathaworn, Acting Assistant Dean for Academic and Social Services Sriswangkhawattana College of Medicine Chulabhorn Royal College and head of the Center for Women’s Health Chulabhorn Hospital Join the campaign to stop HPV with two young actors and singers, the most genius duo “Bun Nopanat Kanthachai” and “Prem Warut Chavalitruchiwong”, along with “Korn Wanpairoj”, an artist from the band Proxie, a medical student from Chulabhorn Royal College Representatives of the new generation volunteer to join the procession to stop HPV Come join the conversation and send concern to everyone. Because I don’t want everyone to experience the loss caused by cancer, I want to join the campaign to invite each other to prevent and stop HPV. Ready to play fun games Create smiles and encouragement for participants who show NO HPV NO LIMIT, get HPV vaccinated on the day of the event, and fans close to the edge of the stage, with “Dai Diana Chong imagine” acting as the emcee at the event.

Professor Siriwan Tangjitkamon, MD, who holds the position of President of the Thai Gynecological Cancer Society, said, “In June this year, It is a good opportunity that falls on PRIDE Month. Therefore, we have jointly organized an academic service, a public relations campaign to promote health literacy to the public. Raise awareness about the HPV virus in a wide range, which the association and the Chulabhorn Royal College have continuously campaigned every year. To reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer in women. And this year under the campaign HPV PRIDE Month NO HPV NO LIMIT #life without interruption until the HPV holiday. Therefore, we have expanded the target group of the LGBTQ HPV Campaign with a public relations campaign that emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about HPV prevention. And because sex is the leading cause of HPV infection or either way If not paying attention to protection It may be at risk as well. Thus, the risk of HPV infection of all sexes is not different. And anyone who is sexually active can be infected with HPV, with more than 8 out of 10 people being exposed to HPV at some point in their lives. especially among men who have sex with men Found HPV infection 2-5 times higher than men who have sex with women.

On the side of Assistant Professor Dr. Nuttawut Kantathaworn, Acting Assistant Dean for Academic and Social Services Sriswangkhawattana College of Medicine Chulabhorn Royal College and head of the Center for Women’s Health Chulabhorn Hospital gave more information about HPV and various types of cancer that “HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus. It is a virus that causes diseases in the genital and anal areas such as cervical cancer. vaginal cancer anal cancer including mouth and throat cancer and genital warts All gender groups, or anyone who is sexually active, are equally at risk of contracting HPV. There are about 40 HPV strains that cause warts, but only a few are the most frequently infectious: HPV 6, 11 low risk strains causing warts, HPV 16, 18, 58, 52, 45 HPV 16, 18, 52, 45 strains. very violent The major risk factor for HPV infection is the development of lesions to different types of cancer in the future.”

HPV infection is like a silent threat that does not show any symptoms for more than 10 years, only when it has spread. People with HPV do not know that they have been infected and may spread to others unknowingly. Although most of the body’s immune system can get rid of HPV, there are some parts that can’t get rid of HPV that can develop into genital warts or various cancers in the future. cause cervical cancer There are other cancers for which HPV infection is the most important risk factor, such as vaginal cancer. vulvar cancer penile cancer anal cancer Oral and throat cancer which can occur with all genders, groups, diversity, so having safe sex both wearing condoms and not changing multiple sex partners Along with prevention with HPV screening and vaccination to have immunity is important in creating safety for all lives, not encountering the risk of developing a serious disease until the HPV prevention day is stopped so that every variety can have the best health in their own way Read more details via

Currently, the HPV vaccine is widely used worldwide. Both the 2-strain HPV vaccine (16, 18 ), the 4-strain (6, 11, 16, 18) and the 9-strain HPV vaccine (6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58) which can be injected from the age of 9 years old, with children aged 9-15 years being the age that creates the best immunity due to high immunity and not having sex For those aged 15 years and over, receive all 3 doses of the vaccine. The Women’s Health Center Chulabhorn Hospital Join to create a safe distance from cancer caused by the HPV virus through screening and vaccination. Those interested can make an appointment to receive the service at Women’s Health Center, 9th Floor, Chulabhorn Oncology Medical Center Building Chulabhorn Hospital Open for service every Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday-Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Add LINE Make an appointment via LINE Official @chulabhornhospital, click the menu “Treatment Center”, select the center “Women’s Health” and click to contact for an appointment. HPV screening and vaccination Let’s join the parade to stop HPV together. No HPV No Limit #life doesn’t stumble until the HPV holiday.


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