Joint pain: which sport works best against it – guide

by time news

If standing up hurts, your hips feel stiff, and your fingers hurt, these are often signs of osteoarthritis. From the age of 50, around 40 percent of women and almost a third of men suffer from it.

The cause is worn cartilage, which usually keeps the bones from rubbing against each other in a joint. If this layer of cartilage is injured or worn away, it can cause severe pain. Bones then grind against each other and the joint is destroyed in the long term.

But we can counteract this and ensure that it doesn’t get that far. Sports scientist Prof. Dr. med. Ingo Froböse (65) from the Sport University Cologne.

The reasons

Young people can also be affected by osteoarthritis as a result of accidents or sports injuries. As a rule, however, this is a clinical picture that only comes with age.

Most of those affected are over 50 years old. It is usually a sign of wear and tear, overweight, improper loading or a lack of muscular stability.

The start-up pain is characteristic, i.e. when starting to move. Osteoarthritis of the knee (gonarthrosis) or hip (coxarthrosis) is particularly common.

“The cartilage nourishes itself through movement. Like a sponge, it soaks up nutrients when the joint is active. If we remain motionless, the cartilage atrophies and dries out, ”explains Prof. Froböse.

Only three to five percent of people are affected by osteoarthritis that is too much. This is mainly the case with competitive athletes who practice sports that are not as gentle on the joints.

Since cartilage is not supplied with blood, it cannot be supplied with important nutrients and fluids other than by “massaging” it from the outside through movement.

Prof. Froböse: “The wrong strategy, when the cartilage has already started to wear out, is protection. The joint must be strengthened so that the bones do not rub against each other and the complaints are exacerbated. “

Which sport should you avoid with osteoarthritis?

Stop and Go Sports! In other words: Everything where sudden braking or starting is required. The stress on the joints is particularly high here. These are, for example, soccer, handball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, squash or badminton.

Prof. Froböse does not recommend martial arts either. The risk of injury to the already damaged joint is extremely high here.

Which sport helps?

“If you are already affected by osteoarthritis, the motto is, lots of exercise, little stress. What you need is tension around the joint. In other words, muscles that guide the joint and relieve the bones that rub against each other. “

The recommendation from the sports scientist:

▶︎ Cycling or walking as often as possible, preferably every day to compensate for the frequent sitting. Half an hour a day is ideal.

▶ ︎ In addition Muscle training every third day.


The shoulder joint needs rotation so that it remains flexible and mobile. This movement is neglected in everyday life. To prevent stiffness, relieve tension and promote blood flow to the joint, circle your arms 360 degrees.

Starting with one arm, circle forward 30 seconds, then backward 30 seconds. Repeat with the other arm.

Ideally, you should incorporate the exercise every now and then, preferably several times a day.

Rotieren Sie mit den Armen in so großen Kreisen, wie möglich, um die volle Beweglichkeit auszuschöpfenPhoto: DOMINIK SOMMERFELD

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Rotate your arms in as large circles as possible to get full range of motionPhoto: DOMINIK SOMMERFELD


The spine consists of many small joints that can also become arthritic. To maintain mobility and strengthen your back muscles, stand with your legs apart (slightly wider than shoulder width) and keep your arms on the left and right of your body.

Now bend to one side by letting the hand on the extended arm come down on the leg towards the knee. Your upper body and your gaze remain forward. The spine curves to the side, the individual vertebrae are pulled apart and then contract again when slowly straightening up. The intervertebral discs are also “massaged” and supplied with nutrients.

Two times ten to twelve repetitions on each side.

Beugen Sie sich zur Seite und richten Sie sich dann wieder aufPhoto: DOMINIK SOMMERFELD

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Bend to one side, then straighten up again Photo: DOMINIK SOMMERFELD


With this exercise, you work the gluteal muscles.

Stand up straight with your weight on one leg, and hold onto a chair or table on that side. Now lift the other leg straight to the side. So high until it can’t go any further. It is important that you stay straight with your body at all times.

Two times ten to twelve repetitions on each side.

Halten Sie sich an einem Gegenstand fest, um nicht das Gleichgewicht zu verlierenPhoto: DOMINIK SOMMERFELD

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Hold on to something so as not to lose your balancePhoto: DOMINIK SOMMERFELD


The squat trains all the important muscles that give the knees support, while at the same time it trains the gluteal muscles that stabilize the hips. Stand shoulder width apart with your feet pointing towards your knees. Then slowly go down with your buttocks, taking your arms forward. The back remains upright. You don’t have to go very far down, so the strain on the knee is not so great if you are already having problems.

Two times ten to twelve repetitions.

You can also practice with a chair by moving your buttocks down towards the seat with your back straight. Do not sit down, just tap the seat briefly with your buttocks and then stand up again. As with the free squat, take your hands forward.

Sie müssen bei der Kniebeuge nicht ganz tief runtergehenPhoto: DOMINIK SOMMERFELD

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You don’t have to go all the way down on the squatPhoto: DOMINIK SOMMERFELD

Ankle joint

With the stand on your toes you train the calf and foot muscles that provide support for the ankle.

Straighten your legs, go on tiptoe and then back down again without touching your entire foot. Do the exercise at a leisurely pace.

Two times ten to twelve repetitions.

Stellen Sie sich auf die Zehenspitzen, stellen Sie beim Runterkommen Ihren Fuß aber nicht ganz aufPhoto: DOMINIK SOMMERFELD

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Stand on tiptoe, but don’t put your foot all the way down when you come downPhoto: DOMINIK SOMMERFELD


The stretching of the hands leads to increased blood flow and increased production of synovial fluid. This lubricates the wrist and supplies the cartilage with nutrients. To do this, fold your palm down while the palm is facing up.

Hold this for ten seconds, then release and repeat the stretch again.

You are welcome to insert this quick and easy exercise every now and then. You can also relax in acute pain.

Die Handflächen zeigen nach oben, das Gelenk wird nach unten abgeknicktPhoto: DOMINIK SOMMERFELD

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The palms point upwards, the joint is bent downwardsPhoto: DOMINIK SOMMERFELD


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