Jonathan Pollard Criticizes Israeli Government for Deportation Order in Givat Ramat Magron

by time news

Title: Former Prisoner of Zion Jonathan Pollard Condemns Government’s Deportation Orders in Givat Ramat Magron

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Former prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard, has arrived in Givat Ramat Magron to express solidarity with the residents of the hill, particularly those affected by the recent administrative removal order issued against Elisha Yard. During his visit, Pollard strongly criticized the government’s decision, calling for an end to the practice of deporting citizens.

Pollard, a prominent advocate for Jewish rights, expressed his shock at the government adopting such methods and questioned the Prime Minister’s commitment to nationalism. “I am shocked that this government has adopted these methods of operation. If the Prime Minister had an ounce of nationalism, he would have prohibited the use of such deportation orders,” Pollard asserted.

The former prisoner met with residents, including Yard’s family, who were forcefully removed from Judea and Samaria by the Central Command General Yehuda Fox. Pollard emphasized the biblical connection to the land, stating, “We were ordered to settle the land that God gave us. I believe that until this whole concept of removing Jews from Judea and Samaria stops, no government, including the current one, has the legitimacy to claim that they represent, politically and legislatively, the Jewish people.”

Pollard expressed his solidarity with Noa, Elisha Yard’s wife, and called for the Prime Minister to reunite them and allow them to settle in their homeland together. He condemned the deportation of Yard, comparing it to the methods employed by the British during the establishment of the state of Israel. Pollard added, “I am completely shocked that this woman’s husband was deported from Judea and Samaria. This is a method that the British regularly used during the establishment of the state here in the Land of Israel. And I am shocked, sad, and disgusted that this government adopted the methods used by our imperialist occupiers.”

The former prisoner of Zion concluded by urging the Prime Minister to show nationalism and rally behind Jewish pride, urging him to prohibit the use of deportation orders. “I think that if our prime minister had a shred of nationalism within him, of Jewish pride within him, he would have prohibited the use of the deportation order and prevented it from happening. This woman’s husband is innocent,” Pollard emphasized.

The visit of Jonathan Pollard to Givat Ramat Magron has brought attention to the controversial practice of administrative removal orders and sparked discussions about the government’s approach towards settlement issues and the protection of Jewish rights. As the public awaits a response from the government, the words of Pollard continue to resonate in the hearts and minds of many who advocate for a strong and united Jewish homeland.

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