Jordi Turull announces a meeting between Pedro Sánchez and Puigdemont without mediators

by time news

2023-12-14 22:30:14

The general secretary of Junts, Jordi Turull, announced this Thursday that there will be a meeting between the former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont and the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, “to talk about the negotiation and delve deeper into the resolution of the conflict.”

In an interview on RTVE, Turull explained that there will be no mediator and that it will be a meeting, still undated, between “two leaders.” “What has been agreed is that there will be a proper meeting, for as long as necessary,” Turull indicated. The last meeting between the Catalan right and the PSOE took place in Geneva and with the presence of an international verifier, as Junts demanded. Santos Cerdán, number three of the PSOE, participated in the meeting.

Although yesterday, in the European Parliament, they avoided greeting each other, the political cordiality and rapprochement between the two is more than evident. Something that, however, did not prevent Puigdemont from veiledly threatening the socialist leader by explaining that if the agreements signed between Junts and PSOE are not met, “there will be consequences.” It is a new warning from the independence movement to Pedro Sánchez that adds to that of ERC last Monday.

According to Turull, the meeting “will have to be abroad” and aims to “normalize relations between the two presidents.” “The important thing is that they meet and talk, in a meeting as it should be, without photographs or party logos,” he added.

The announcement of the meeting occurs just one day after the processing of the amnesty law in Congress registered by the Socialist Group has begun. From the opposition, both PP and Vox continue to defend that the rule is unconstitutional. Sánchez also defended the amnesty in Strasbourg before the leader of the European People’s Party (EPP), Manfred Webber, in the chamber of the European Parliament.

The leader of the PP has described the amnesty law as a “fraud”, “political corruption” and a “democratic regression; contrary to the separation of powers.” Feijóo has also compared the amnesty with the attempted coup d’état on February 23, 1981: “This afternoon, the Congress of Deputies has become a sad chamber, a decadent chamber. It is the saddest and most decadent session since that afternoon February 1981. The saddest, the most decadent, and the one that affects our rights and dignity as a nation. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is a fraud.”

The situation of the Government

A year ago Junts per Cat and ERC broke up in the Government and the Catalan right went into opposition. Jordi Turull considers that the situation in the Catalan Executive “is going from bad to worse.” He attacks drought management and education. He asks that ERC make self-criticism. He assures that Junts would not re-enter the Government “because the legislature is already ending.”

The socialists look the other way: “I don’t know”

The Government’s spokesperson minister, Pilar Alegría, claims to know nothing about the meeting in an interview with ‘Antena 3’. “I’m not aware that this issue is scheduled, I’m not aware of it,” she stated.

Pedro Sánchez seems to agree with him and assures that the meeting announced by Turull is not scheduled. It was in Brussels, when the President of the Executive assured in statements to the media that his agenda does not have any meeting with Puigdemont planned, only a meeting with President Aragonès, set for next Thursday, the 21st, in Barcelona. .

Turull has stated that Alegría “perhaps was not aware” of that appointment, but that the organization secretary of the PSOE, Santos Cerdán, is. Nor does the Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Cortes, Félix Bolaños, have details of the meeting: “I have no information,” he concluded. Although he stated that when he knows more information about the appointment it will be made public: “They will become known when there is information, of course we will communicate it.”

#Jordi #Turull #announces #meeting #Pedro #Sánchez #Puigdemont #mediators

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