Jorge Glas adds nine legal resources in his attempt to leave La Roca – La Nación

by times news cr

2024-10-03 23:43:11

The chancellor of Ecuador, Gabriela Sommerfeldstated that the decision to enter the diplomatic headquarters was due to a “real risk of imminent flight”.

Glas and other defendants must respond to justice for alleged embezzlement, related to the misuse of rpublic resources destined for the reconstruction and productive reactivation after the earthquake in Manabí in April 2016. Glas’s defense has rejected the accusations.

An Ecuadorian court ruled on Friday, April 12, that the arrest of former Vice President Jorge Glas at the Mexican embassy in Quito was illegalbut that must remain in prison due to his previous convictions.

The court denied the request Glas habeas corpuswho sought his delivery to Mexico or another country for asylum, since the Mexican Government had considered him a persecuted politician.

2. Glas’ defense sought safe conduct

On April 7, the defense of Jorge Glas presented a appeal to the habeas corpus sentence that, although declared his detention illegaldid not order his release.

Francisco Hidalgo, representative of the Citizen Revolution movement, requested on May 7, 2024, the immediate release of Glas and a safe passage for asylum in Mexicoo.

The State Attorney General’s Officehe Ministry of Government and the Presidency of the Republic have appealed the court’s decisionarguing that the arrest was in accordance with the legal system.

Marcel Orellana, Glas’ lawyer, insisted that the appeal must clarify the break-in at the Mexican Embassy and the Glas right of asylumalso requesting immediate medical attention due to the delicate health of the former vice president.

3. Amicus curiae seeks release of the former vice president

On May 14, the Puebla Group and the Lawfare Observatory announced their support for the appeal of Jorge Glas’ defense through amicus curiae. This legal figure allows interested third parties to provide legal opinions or demands in specific cases.

The appeal seeks that the National Court of Justice order the release of Glas, former vice president and Correísta leader, detained in the La Roca prison in Guayaquil.

Glas’ arrest was declared ‘illegal and arbitrary on April 12 by judges Mónica Heredia, Liz Barrera and Adrián Rojas, but their release was not ordered due to a pending conviction sentence of eight years.

Judicial setback for Jorge Glas

The former vice president of Ecuador, Jorge Glasfaced a judicial setback. A court of National Court of Justice declared his detention at the Mexican Embassy legal and legitimate on April 5. This ruling reversed a previous decision that described the detention as ‘arbitrary and illegal’.

The court rejected the habeas corpus appeal presented by Glas’s defense. He argued that, being a convicted person, he cannot obtain freedom through this appeal. The Court stressed that the detention was not arbitrary and ordered the SNAI to guarantee Glas’s rights in prison. Gla rejects the accusations and has remained in La Roca since April 6.

4. New habeas corpus attempts to free Jorge Glas

The judge Patrick Vidal accepted the processing of an action you have a body for the former vice president Jorge Glas, presented by his lawyer Karen Gómez went up. The purpose is to transfer Glas from La Roca prison to his mother’s house, due to his deteriorating mental health and a suicide attempt on April 8.

The lawyer argues that the physical and mental integrity of Glas has deteriorated since his incarceration on April 6.

The constitutional action was filed against Luis Zaldumbide, director of the SNAI, and Juan Carlos Larrea, attorney general of the State. The lawsuit states that on April 8 Glas was found unconscious in his celltaken to the Military Hospital and then to the Naval Hospital.

Despite his condition, he was returned to La Roca without receiving specialized psychiatric care. A neuropsychiatric report of June 14 corroborates andl attempted suicide and concludes that his mental state is extremely serious. The report details that the psychiatric health de Glas has worsened since his imprisonment, increasing the suicide risk. The lawyer insists that it is impossible for him to receive adequate treatment inside the prison and that his transfer is urgent for your well-being.

International actions presented by the defense of Jorge Glas

  1. They presented a communication denouncing the arbitrary detention of Jorge Glas in Ecuador before the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions.
  2. They requested the suspension or elimination of the Interpo red ticketl issued by Ecuador, and this request was admitted.
  3. They denounced kidnapping, torture and other crimes against Jorge Glas, focusing on transnational criminal responsibility, before the German Prosecutor’s Officepresenting the case in German courts under universal jurisdiction.
  4. They expanded the precautionary measures against the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and requested provisional measures from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IAC Court).
  5. They reported violations of rights and international crimes before the Attorney General’s Office of Mexicothrough the legal attaché office of the Mexican embassy in Madrid.


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