Jorge Segundo Zegarra Reátegui: “It is possible and feasible to recover a dump and turn it into a sanitary landfill”

by time news

For more than 50 years, municipal waste from nine districts in the province of Trujillo has been generating a dangerous source of infection. The situation at the ‘El Milagro’ dump is critical not only for Peru but also for Latin America because it pollutes the air, land and water.

The unbearable stench emanating from the place aggressively affects the residents of the sector, including the elderly, and also the schools attended by children in the area.

The burning of garbage produces a dense smoke that impacts people’s health, causing severe respiratory diseases. On the other hand, due to organic waste there is a large number of flies and rats.

Jorge Segundo Zegarra Reategui
90% of the waste in the province of Trujillo ends up in ‘El Milagro’ where the mounds of garbage reach more than 20 meters in height.

The ‘El Milagro’ dump is located just 13 kilometers from the center of Trujillo and has an area of ​​58 hectares, a place where more than four and a half million tons of waste have been received, which means an open field for thousands of recyclers. informal workers who separate the garbage, threatening their own health and that of their families. They do not have protective equipment and are generally accompanied by their children.

More than 90% of the waste in the province ends up in ‘El Milagro’, an unhealthy space where the mounds of garbage exceed 20 meters in height. As if this were not enough, in recent years informal pig shops have been established in the surroundings, where the pigs are fed with waste from the dump itself.

Despite the fact that there are projects that seek to make a change in this Trujillo dump, they are all paralyzed, mainly due to the personal interests of third parties and also to poor coordination.

Jorge Segundo Zegarra Reategui
The informal recyclers who come to the ‘El Milagro’ dump threaten their lives and that of their families because they do not have protective equipment.

Petramás and Jorge Segundo Zegarra Reátegui seek transformation for Trujillo

Faced with this environmental emergency, PETRAMÁSfounded by the current chairman of the board, Jorge Segundo Zegarra Reategui, pioneer and manager of renewable energies. seeks to achieve a great transformation for Trujillo. Today, the Callao model is not only a formal sanitary landfill, but a space with successful projects:

“It is possible and feasible to recover a dump and turn it into a sanitary landfill. 17 years later, with the participation of a responsible private company, you have a landfill that is no longer called Cucaracha, but Modelo del Callao,” said Jorge Segundo Zegarra Reátegui.

A few years ago, PETRAMÁS turned the ‘La Cucaracha’ dump, whose conditions were truly alarming, into a real Landfill Model for Callao. Here, the company “reused the place through logistics, technology, vision and commitment to the community and Peru.”

PETRAMÁS, is a neutral carbon footprint company that has the capacity to mitigate GHG (Greenhouse gases) caused by daily contamination, which is validated by an international company authorized by the United Nations. Achieving the established standard, they affirm their efforts to fight the global warming.

Jorge Segundo Zegarra Reategui
The PETRAMAS company has made the technological miracle of generating renewable energy from garbage.

Currently, PETRAMÁS has the largest projects in Peru and Latin America, making the technological miracle of generating renewable energy from garbage through its two waste processing plants, two Clean Development Mechanisms and four thermoelectric plants in Lima and Callao, which use the biogas generated on the landfill platforms to transform it into electricity.

• Huaycoloro Biomass Thermal Power Plant, which injects 28,295 MWh per year to the SEIN, with commercial operation beginning on November 12, 2011.

• Gringa V Biomass Thermal Power Plant, which injects 14 020 MWh per year to SEIN, with commencement of commercial operation on 01 September 2015.

• Doña Catalina Biomass Thermal Power Plant, which injects 14,500 MWh per year to the SEIN, with commercial operation starting on August 29, 2018.

• And the Callao Biomass Thermal Power Plant, which injects 14,500 MWh per year to the SEIN, with the start of commercial operation on July 13, 2020.

Thanks to these projects, PETRAMÁS has achieved a massive reduction in greenhouse gases, preventing more than four and a half million tons of CO2 from being released into the environment.

Likewise, this Peruvian company has more than one and a half million bonds certified by the United Nations and more than three million in the certification process, all in favor of its fight against climate change.

Jorge Segundo Zegarra Reátegui promoter of renewable energy from collected waste and protector of the environment.

PETRAMÁS, leader in solid waste managementhas already managed to do this in Lima and Callao and now wants to do it in Trujillo, by converting a dump into a real landfill formal in harmony with the environment.

To take the first step, the company has an empty piece of land seven kilometers long, located at kilometer 588 of the Panamericana Norte, next to the town center ‘Luz del Sol’, where it seeks to make this new project a reality in favor of of the Trujillo community and all Peruvians.

For this reason, the PETRAMÁS company urges the authorities to open the doors to this new success in Trujillo, leaving aside interests unrelated to the well-being of the community.

PETRAMÁS assures that it is committed to continue fighting for a cleaner and healthier Peru for all, where the company is part of a great transformation.

For more information on the projects of Dr. Jorge Segundo Zegarra Reategui and Petramás, enter here.

VIDEO: “A great transformation for Trujillo”

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