Jos Manuel Prez Tornero resigns as president of RTVE: “The minimum conditions for consensus do not exist”

by time news


The professor resigns from leading the public chain and the Board of Directors that he leads after losing parliamentary support, as Moncloa has transmitted to him. “It is necessary to take a step to the side,” he says.

José Manuel Prez Tornero leaves the Presidency of RTVE: “It is, therefore, the moment to give an account of the progress and to explain why it is necessary to step aside”, explained in a press release the academic and maximum responsible for the public chain until this Monday. “I have the intention, in the next few hours, to submit my resignation to the Presidency of RTVE, and to form part of its board of directors”, he stated.

Pérez Tornero falls because he no longer has the necessary support within the Board of Directors. As he stated in his statement, “the minimum conditions for consensus” do not exist. This communication professor was appointed at the proposal of the PSOE and obtained sufficient parliamentary support to lead a renewed Board of Directors that had been delayed by the eventful process of the public competition. His endorsement supposes, in fact, the only great pact between the ruling party and the main opposition party. That was another PP, that of Pablo Casado, which also does not correspond to the current leadership of Alberto Nez Feijo. That support is gone.

That is not the only hold he has lost. United We Can, a government partner, has not supported him for months, especially after the La 1 program was dropped clear things, presented by Jess Cintora, to recently launch another similar space, Straight Talk, also outsourced to a production company, Cuarzo in this case. Roberto Lakidain and José Manuel Martn Medem are not comfortable with many of his decisions, as they have made known to him in the Council appointments.

However, the decision comes from Moncloa, from the Presidency, where this Monday the final blow was dealt.

Pérez Tornero is one of the 4 members of the Board of Directors appointed at the proposal of the PSOE (a body of 10 professionals that he chairs). He now only has the partial support of another of the directors appointed at the proposal of the Socialists: Ramón Colom. Elena Sánchez, who has been seen as a strong candidate for the Presidency in the past, is no longer on his side, as can be deduced from all the votes to which EL MUNDO has had access. Concepción Cascajosa, the other socialist counselor, is also critical of the management of the president until today.

The three councilors appointed at the proposal of the PP, Jenaro Castro, Carmen Sastre and Consuelo Aparicio, obtained at the time the support of Pablo Casado’s PP, through the negotiations carried out by the then general secretary of the formation. Teodoro Garcia Egea. More than once, the councilors appointed at the proposal of the PP have found themselves closer to Prez Tornero than the two critical councilors of the PSOE; but in recent times a gap had also been opened with this front. Juan Jos Baos, appointed at the proposal of the PNV, has been one of Prez Tornero’s usual supporters in the voting, a position that is less and less clear and in any case a minority.

As this newspaper published last week, Prez Tornero’s RTVE already reaches 196 senior officialsan organizational chart with 7 senior management positions, 86 management positions and 103 deputy management positions that exceeds the structures of its predecessors, with a count of 25 more managers than, for example, the president José Antonio Sánchez (2014-2018) or the administrator temporary single Rosa Mara Mateo (2018-2021).

In this organization chart, Jos Juan Ruiz, current director of the Cabinet of the Presidency of RTVE, which has under his command a total of 24 senior positions, between directors and deputy directors, while it depends solely on Prez Tornero. This enhanced figure has caused numerous reluctance in the Board of Directors (and directors of different signs), given the unprecedented strength that he had acquired. With the fall of Pérez Tornero, it is also assumed that of Ruiz.

In Prez Tornero’s career, the appointment of two newly created deputy directorates weighs on two former collaborators. For the Deputy Director of the Projects and Development area, Mireia Pi was appointed, who worked in a family business of Prez Tornero used by him in numerous activities of the Communication and Education Office that he directed at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). The Subdirectorate for Studies and Knowledge Transfer has been for Llus Pastor, who had coincided with Prez Tornero both at the UAB and at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). The two positions depend precisely on Jos Juan Ruiz, the president’s right-hand man.

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