Josephine Boswell Leaves Government Office: The Importance of Gender Diversity in SD’s Coordination Office

by time news

Former chamber prosecutor Josephine Boswell, who joined the government office as a political expert for the Sweden Democrats (SD) last November, has left her position. Boswell was seen as an important figure for the party’s transparency in their cooperation with the Moderate Party (M), Christian Democrats (KD), and Liberals (L) government. As the only woman among six Sweden Democrats in the coordination office, Boswell played a crucial role in balancing the wishes of the various parties.

Boswell’s departure leaves a void in the coordination office, as she will be replaced by Thomas Lybeck, a former employee at SD’s parliamentary office. The coordination office is responsible for important internal work and resolving disagreements between parties. If they fail to reach an agreement, the party leaders step in to make the final decision.

The Sweden Democrats are downplaying Boswell’s departure and claim that there is no drama surrounding her exit. They emphasize that Boswell simply had an opportunity for a nice job in the state service and chose to pursue it. Boswell has taken up a position as acting councilor at the Administrative Court in Stockholm.

Expressen has reached out to Boswell and the SD for comments on the matter. Meanwhile, SD’s role in the government and its demand to be part of the decision-making process continue to be topics of discussion. The upcoming election will determine whether SD remains in government or moves into the opposition.

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