Jotta A announces ‘deep’ surgery and name change: Ella

by time news

A year ago, former gospel singer Jotta A announced that he was starting a process to become a “trans woman”, and now a video appears on social networks in which the surgical process is narrated in a romanticized way.

“This is really going to be my deepest surgery, let’s say, and I’m very happy. I think gender reading is the most important thing before you do any surgical procedure”, introduced Ella, her new social name.

“Gender reading means looking in the mirror and feeling good about your gender, how you’re going to express yourself, what clothes you feel most comfortable with, how you’d like your body to behave. And I think before come to a conclusion of what surgeries I could do, I think that was cool,” he added.

On her Instagram account, an image shows her new identification document, with the name Ella Viana de Holanda. Jotta A was a reference to José Antônio, her birth name. In the caption, a request: “Call me by name, Ella” (“Call me by name, Ella”, in English translation).

In the video in which the surgery is discussed, there are no details about the procedure: “It’s hard for people to talk about themselves, right? I wouldn’t say I’m a pretty woman not to fill my own morals. But I think I am a brave woman, I think that courage makes anyone beautiful, attractive”.

The childhood

“As I said, gender reading can manifest itself from when you are a child. I, for example, as a child, already looked at myself and imagined myself in a certain way, and now I am able to do that. So, I see myself in a way beyond what I already am. The best thing is for you to feel good about yourself, ”she said.

Growing up in a Christian home, in a humble family, was described as something negative: “As I grew up in the church, I deprived myself a lot of self-knowledge. I had that whole issue of conservatism around me, which prevented me from dressing up, from expressing myself. But then, when Mom went out, I would put a scarf on my head, her heels, and have fun at home, alone”.

“All of this has an impact on our lives because they are memories that will stay forever, of how the process of each thing was. Today, I’m living a phase of being free, of leaving the cocoon, but I can never forget that whole moment of imprisonment and at the same time of school, of you learning – even if you don’t have the hair, the clothes you want – already feel like a woman. I think this issue of being a woman is not about how you express yourself, but how you feel”, she theorized.

About the changes, the goals are ambitious: “I have just made a transition, not only in my personal life, but in my professional life as well. I started in a totally different segment than what I’m following today. It was very good for me, for professional growth. And today what I want is to take my art forward to impact other people”.

Check out the video, shared by the Assemblyanos de Valor page, in which Ella, ex Jotta A, talks about the surgery:

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