(Budstikka/Nettavisen): On Monday afternoon, the trailer belonging to artist Sol Heilo (42) was found.
– It looks like everything is there, says a relieved Heilo to Budstikka while she cries with joy that everything is in place.
It was the police who called her to inform her about the discovery.
– I screamed very loudly and ran around the whole house. And now I’m just shaking. I am very thankful, very happy, and very relieved, Sol Heilo tells Budstikka on Monday afternoon.
RELIEVED: Sol Heilo can rejoice over the police’s discovery.
Photo: Heiko Junge (NTB)
– Completely overwhelmed
It has been five days since Heilo went on Facebook to report that her trailer with equipment worth over one million kroner had been stolen. The trailer was full of instruments, tour equipment, posters, and art, the 42-year-old wrote in the post.
She filed a police report, but on Monday morning, the case was dismissed. Nonetheless, luck turned, and now everything is back.
Also read: Raised half a million: – May withhold payment
The police were on a residential street in Gjettum after a tip that the trailer could be located there around 1:30 PM. Heilo was on site and confirmed that the trailer was hers at 2:09 PM.
– I am completely overwhelmed, says the artist to NRK, adding that it was in the neighborhood – just three minutes away.
The police were alerted
To Budstikka, the police on site said that it was a civilian who responded to and notified about the trailer.
The chassis number on the trailer confirmed that it was the sought-after trailer found in Gjettum. However, the license plates on the trailer did not belong to it, the police stated.
The police conducted several examinations on the trailer before Heilo was allowed to hook it back onto her vehicle and drive away.
Raised money
In the days following the theft, Heilo shared several posts on Facebook asking for help.
In one of the posts, she wrote that she had hired a private investigator to solve the case – which would be expensive.
Therefore, a crowdfunding campaign was created to cover the costs.
The crowdfunding reached a wide audience, and at the time of writing, over 475,000 kroner has been raised.
What will happen to that money now is not yet known, but the crowdfunding platform may withhold the payment.
In the description of the crowdfunding campaign, it states that the money raised will go to cover the private investigator and new instruments.
Sol Heilo’s manager, Pernille Torp-Holte, explains to Nettavisen that she and the artist will make a decision regarding the raised funds after the artist has conducted a closer inspection of the condition of the equipment.