Juan Carlos Alvarado was launched by Copei for the 2024 presidential elections

by time news

After an extensive session of the Federal National Council, the Copeyan leadership unanimously approved the candidacy of Juan Carlos Alvarado for the presidential elections that will take place in 2024, according to a press release from the green awning, a party that is part of the Democratic bloc.

After this announcement, Alvarado, who is also currently the general secretary of that division of Copei, assured that he will assume his candidacy “with responsibility, commitment and love for Venezuela”, and thanked the green awning for their support on the path that he will travel from facing the electoral process next year.

Alvarado pointed out that he will not participate in primary school because he was excluded from that process, highlights the press release from the green awning.

“It is no secret to anyone that around 70% of Venezuelans have lost confidence in political parties, but we assume the responsibility of building bridges for understanding,” he said.

When asked about the possibility of participation of the green awning in primary elections with the members of the Democratic Unity Table, the national secretary general stressed that, from the first call made by the body that governs said process, they publicly expressed their intention to work together.

Despite these invitations, Alvarado assured, they never received answers to participate in the different consultations prior to the preparation of this event.

«Today we do not seek to divide. We do not seek to subtract, our intention is to add »she exalted.

«Copei will always advocate dialogue. We are willing to meet at a work table to, together, create an option for all Venezuelans,” she pointed out.

During his speech, the presidential candidate reaffirmed that the green awning will not fall for blackmail or slander promoted by other organizations.

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