Juan Carlos Monedero: Communist with double fists

by time news

2023-04-16 02:04:08

He has returned to the political forefront to support his protégé Pablo Iglesias, and incidentally throw several darts at the “traitor” Yolanda Díaz. Marxist, populist, defender and adviser to the Venezuelan dictatorship, ideologue of the 15-M movement, co-founder of Podemos, Juan Carlos Monedero defines himself as a communist who raises his fist twice: one, to demonstrate his principles of radical communism; another, to defend the creature that gave birth back in 2014, the purple party, whose leaders are already warming up at the Zaragoza rally, the starting signal for the May electoral campaign. Under the motto of the Spring Festival, inspired in its day by Monedero, the Podemites throw themselves into the ring as “the rebellion that transforms”, claiming themselves as the only true force of the extreme left, accusing the PSOE government, where they comfortably Irene Montero and Ione Belarra feel lukewarm on issues such as the war in Ukraine, and they cast harsh criticism against the “bourgeois” Yolanda with total contempt for her Sumar project. For days now, the political scientist Monedero has been designing with his partner and bosom friend, Pablo Iglesias, the pivots of a tough campaign towards 28-M in the midst of the battle to lead the radical left.

Controversial character where there are, Juan Carlos Monedero has always been in the shadow of Iglesias as secretary of the Constituent Process and Podemos Programs. Ideologue of the purple formation, author of many of Iglesias’ speeches and activist in the media, he currently hosts the political debate program “En la frontera” on Iglesias’s YouTube channel. The irruption of Yolanda Díaz and her Sumar project have been the incentive for her to return to the front row and participate in the campaign events of Podemos, as Iglesias, Belarra and Montero have requested. He belongs to that group of students at the Complutense University of Madrid, where he works as a professor of Political Science and Sociology, which were the seed of the purple party. Advisor to the Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez, even with his own office in the Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas, Juan Carlos Monedero is a fervent defender of Latin American dictatorships and believes that Chávez “has been the great liberator of Latin America.” He of the 15-M movement believes that “it is the best thing that has happened to Spanish democracy.” He also backs separatist parties “because of their great courage against the fascists.”

Juan Carlos Monedero Fernández-Gala is the fourth child of the Asturian from Gijón, Salvador Monedero, and the Manchegan from Albacete, Flora Fernández, who settled in Madrid, had six children and set up a bar near Madrid’s Calle de Ferraz, where they it locates the headquarters of the PSOE. Curiously, his father has always defined himself as a right-wing man, something in which his son has not followed. He studied at the Sacred Hearts religious school, in the Argüelles neighborhood, and together with his brothers he helped in the family business as a shop assistant or delivering orders. With a right-wing parent, the young Monedero began the turn to the left at the age of eleven, when a schoolmate told him about the arrest of his military father, a member of the anti-Franco Democratic Military Union (UMD). He studied at the Complutense and received his doctorate at the German University of Heidelberg, under the direction of political scientist Klaus von Beyme. For a time he was an adviser to the then general coordinator of the United Left, Gaspar Llamazares. But his great political role was played by him as an adviser to the Venezuelan government of Hugo Chávez, whom he defined as “an example to the capitalist world”, and he also collaborated with other Latin American dictatorships in the Puebla group.

Considered the brain of the finances of Podemos, in January 2015 the Spanish Treasury opened an investigative inspection for his advisory services and reports to the governments of Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua for the creation of a single monetary unit, for which that he would have received close to half a million euros. This forced him to regularize his tax return, since he had billed through a company, Caja de Resistencia Única, without employees or organizational structure. His name has always been associated with the financing of the purple party, under suspicion of irregularities and foreign funds, which, however, have never been proven. The truth is that in 2014 he founded Podemos together with Pablo Iglesias, Luis Alegre, Íñigo Errejón, Carolina Bescansa and Rafa Mayoral. Member of its State Citizen Council and secretary of the Constituent Process and Programs, only Iglesias, Mayoral and Monedero himself remain of that founding nucleus, who has been behind all the movements of Pablo Iglesias and now is once again actively collaborating in the campaign of 28- M is in contention with Sumar, Yolanda Díaz’s project against which she does not hide her criticism of disloyalty towards the one who appointed her successor.

Collaborator in Church programs, La Tuerka y Fort Apache, is a great debater, he has had several complaints for tax fraud that have always been finally filed by the Justice. Director of the 25 de Mayo Institute, a cover for Podemos for political analysis, training and debate, he is also coordinator of the so-called School of Public Offices, aimed at indoctrination of purple leaders and militants. Author of publications such as “The new disguises of Leviatán”, “Keys to a world in transition” or “The rebellion of the outraged”, Juan Carlos Monedero defines himself as a pure communist although, as his critics say in tune with his last name, Purse “knows a lot about money.”

#Juan #Carlos #Monedero #Communist #double #fists

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