Judges defend themselves against AMLO’s criticism for “sunday strikes” to free criminals

by times news cr

2024-07-24 10:35:52

This Tuesday, July 23, judges They defended themselves from criticism of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), who accused them of carrying out “sabadazosto free criminals.

In this regard, the National Association of Circuit Magistrates and District Judges of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (JUFED) assured that the statements made by the national leader “are inaccurate”.

It was during the morning of this day where AMLO He launched himself against at least 26 federal judgeswhom he accused of releasing dangerous criminals during the weekends.

Judges defend themselves against AMLO’s criticism; they claim they have a clear objective

Through a statement released on its social networks, the JUFED came out today in defence of its members after they were the target of criticism by the president AMLO.

The judges asserted that the words of the head of the national Executive were made in an “inaccurate” mannerin addition to being “partial and decontextualized”.

The JUFED pointed out that the accusations received by AMLO are a clear attempt to “delegitimize the judicial function”, as well as the due process which must be present in Mexican society.

The judges stressed that these attacks, which the national president carries out within the framework of the Reform to the Judicial Branch that he seeks to promote, only have the purpose of predispose the citizens.

They also added that AMLO’s intentions in launching his accusations are create a negative context against the judges, so that damage trust that people might have regarding their performance.

AMLO accuses judges of carrying out “sunday raids” to free criminals

On Tuesday morning, President AMLO took advantage of the space and launched himself once again against a group of federal judgesto whom accused of releasing criminals.

It is at least 26 judgeswho according to the president carried out processes specifically on weekends with the intention of release highly dangerous criminals.

AMLO described these actions as “a shame”, after showing a graph where he detailed that in the last month 58 people were released from Monday to Friday, and 192 people during weekends..

AMLO in morning conference (Moses Pablo Nava / Cuartoscuro)

2024-07-24 10:35:52

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