Judicial reform, Norma Piña, violence in Acapulco, political testament, book ‘Thank you!’, report ‘Zero Impunity’ and more

by times news cr

2024-07-09 15:27:45

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) carries out the Morning conference today Tuesday July 9, 2024 live from the National Palace. We tell you the important topics.

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Live press conference from the National Palace. Tuesday, July 9, 2024 | President AMLO” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”” title=”Live press conference, from the National Palace. Tuesday, July 9, 2024 | President AMLO”>

AMLO’s morning press conference: Federal government confirms clash between two criminal groups in Acapulco due to violence

Asked whether the Security operation in Acapulco Due to the increase in intentional homicides in recent months, the National Guard confirms that there is currently a confrontation between the organized crime groups in the port.

He details that with the increase in the presence of the National Guard in Acapulco, criminals They switched from using firearms to using bladed weapons to commit the murders.

“There is a confrontation between two criminal groups. They have changed their modus operandi. If before they killed with firearms, now they do it with knives,” he says.

He points out that during the recovery phase of Acapulco after Hurricane Otis, crime and intentional homicides have increased in the port.

He pledged to strengthen the presence of the National Guard in the neighborhoods with the highest crime rates.

Morning press conference: AMLO says he will have at least 24 thousand pesos monthly pension

AMLO indicates that he has already requested the ISSSTE to calculate the amount of his retirement; however, he states that the amount of his pension would amount to at least 24 thousand pesos per month.

Lopez Obrador comments that 21 thousand pesos would be for their years in public service and 3 thousand pesos (plus whatever increases each year) of the Senior Citizens Welfare Pension.

“I am asking ISSSTE to create my retirement account and I will get about 21 pesos a month, plus the 3 thousand from the Senior Citizen Pension”


I have the right to health services, so I will have guaranteed medical care and medications from ISSSTE.

Morning press conference: AMLO reveals that he was paid 3 million pesos for his book ‘Thank you!’

AMLO announces that as an advance on the sale of his book ‘Thank you‘The publisher Planeta paid him an advance of 3 million pesos.

However, he points out that of those 3 million, tax payment around 1 million pesos.

“I have savings from royalties on my books, especially this last one, which is helping me a lot. For that book they gave me three million in advance, and I only paid about 1 million in taxes, so I was really worried.”


Morning press conference: AMLO announces that he will publish part of his political testament

AMLO He anticipates that he will publish part of his political testament in which he will record his desire not to place his name on monuments, public works, among others.

The president criticizes that In Mexico “there are very few heroes” who are respectedwhich is why he prefers that his name not be placed.

“Regarding my political testament, I do want to publish something before I leave, so that it is on record. For example, I don’t want any street names, schools, or anything to do with my name. Besides, there are very few heroes who are respected in Mexico.”


Morning press conference: AMLO says he has fulfilled everything he promised for his government, except resolving the Ayotzinapa case and decentralizing the federal government

AMLO highlights that fulfilled all commitments that he did for his government, with the exception of two.

Regarding works, López Obrador maintains that he fulfilled 100%; however, he recognizes that of the 100 commitments he made at the beginning of his mandate, he only has to resolve the Ayotzinapa case and the decentralization of the federal government.

While admitting that he has not fulfilled the aforementioned commitments, López Obrador emphasizes that during his government he did at least 100 more things to which he did not commit.

“I don’t remember anything I have offered that I will not fulfill in terms of works. I offered 100 commitments, the one that has to do with Ayotzinapa and the one that has to do with decentralization are pending. But we have done 100 more things.”


Morning press conference: AMLO denies meeting with Norma Piña, but celebrates that the minister recognizes the need for reform of the Judicial Branch

AMLO rules out a meeting with the Chief Justice of the SCJN, Norma Pineapplebut points out that the Secretary of the Interior would be with whom I could engage in dialogue, as well as with members of the Legislative power.

He expressed his anger that for many years “corrupt judges were protected and people who should have been in jail were released.”

She also celebrates that Norma Piña has recognized the need to reform the Judiciary: “It’s a step forward,” he says.

“I have nothing to do with this. I have already submitted my initiative. I am convinced that the reform of the Judiciary is necessary and it bothers me a lot that for a long time corrupt judges were protected and people who should be in jail were released.”


Morning press conference: AMLO says about the reform of the Judicial Branch that recent graduates are not “spoiled”

After being criticized for suggesting that the experience requirement to be a judge be eliminated in the initiative to reform the Judicial Branch, AMLO insists that Recent Law graduates “are not corrupted”.

He points out that recent graduates “They come with great enthusiasm to apply the law without distinctions”.

In contrast, he notes that lawyers often “They start working and learning to bend the law and become experts, and that’s what they call experience.”.

“When lawyers graduate from law schools, they come with great enthusiasm to apply the law without distinction, they are not corrupted and this is a renewal”


AMLO’s morning press conference: Rosa Icela Rodríguez presents the Security report for the month of June 2024

Rose Icela Rodriguezhead of the Security Secretariat, presents the Security Report corresponding to the month of June 2024, with the main crime indicators:

  • Federal crimes down 24.5%
    • The only two crimes that are on the rise are organized crime (35%) y tax crimes (21.3%)
  • common law crimes
    • homicide decreases by 18%
    • Six states account for 44.5% of intentional homicides in the country:
      • Guanajuato
      • Baja California
      • Mexico state
      • Chihuahua
      • Jalisco
      • Morelos
    • Total theft down 34.8%
    • Motor vehicle theft decreases by 50.3%
    • Femicide was reduced by 35.6%
    • Kidnapping decreases by 67%

AMLO’s morning press conference: ‘Zero Impunity’ report presented

Luis Rodriguez BucioUndersecretary of Security, presents the report ‘Zero impunity‘ with the main security actions that have occurred in recent days.

  • Joel ‘N’ was linked to criminal proceedings for the crime of human trafficking in its form of child pornographyacts that he would have committed since 2020 against a seven-year-old girl, in Benito Juárez, Quintana Roo
  • Alan ‘N’ and Mauricio ‘N’ were arrested on June 22, 2024 by the FGR, after an operation carried out in Calpulalpan, Tlaxcala, who were in possession of 1,328 passport books stolen June 19, 2024 at SRE
  • Miguel Ángel ‘N’, alias ‘El Pecas’ and José Iván ‘N’ were arrested by the State Prosecutor’s Office of Mexico, after fulfilling an arrest warrant against them for the crime of qualified homicide committed against Paola Salcedowhich occurred on June 29, 2024 in Huixquilucan
  • Alvaro Tapia Castillomunicipal president of ActeopanPuebla, was arrested by the Morelos Prosecutor’s Office, in support of the Puebla Prosecutor’s Office, after serving an arrest warrant against him for the crime of femicide against his wife María Elianet ‘N’, who was president of the municipal DIF in Acteopan, Puebla, events that occurred on June 21, 2024 in Izúcar de Matamoros

2024-07-09 15:27:45

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