Julian Assange says the CIA lost control of its cyber arsenal

by time news

Leaked CIA‍ Cyber Weapons: Assange Warns of Global Destruction

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange warned on Thursday during an online press conference that the US‌ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has​ “lost‍ control of all weapons of cyber weapons,” potentially putting ⁣them on the‍ black market and capable of global destruction.

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After revealing an alleged ⁤program allowing US security agencies to break into computers, phones, and ⁣smart televisions, Assange labelled the action ‌”a devastating act‌ of incompetence” by the CIA. He claimed the software was ​shared without authorization.

The Australian ‌activist, who has been seeking asylum in the Ecuadorian‌ embassy in London‌ since 2012, alleged that the software was⁣ “passed from hand to hand by various members of ⁣US intelligence, without authorization and without⁣ control.”

The CIA responded by stating that they consider‍ Australia “not an example of honesty and integrity.”

White​ House spokesman‍ Sean Spicer echoed​ this​ sentiment, claiming that President Trump believes the‌ CIA’s⁤ systems ‍are outdated​ and‌ must be updated.⁣ He accused Assange of compromising national security.

Assange argued that the CIA knew⁣ about the loss‌ of the data two​ months prior but failed to inform⁣ the public.

The leaked ‍documents revealed ⁢the existence of CIA programs capable of hacking various devices, including⁢ Apple iPhones, Google Android ⁢phones, ⁢Windows computers, ⁤and⁢ Samsung smart televisions.

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