Juliana López May: “I feel consolidated as a cook”

by time news

2023-12-22 11:25:00

After a year of pure travel, the agenda finally finds a space. Before sitting down for the talk, Juliana Lopez May He was in Italy, France, Mexico, Chile and Uruguay, as well as in several provinces of Argentina. There she took his classes and experience, sharing with the world her fresh, simple and sophisticated cuisine at the same time. The one that opened the doors to the entrepreneurial field for him when 15 years ago he decided to leave restaurants and the more traditional version of the profession to embark on exploring his imprint. The result? Eight published books (the last two, “Drinks and Breads” and “Tarts and Salads”, as part of a collection of “essentials” in progress), gastronomic products with his seal, various programs at Elgourmet (the newest in the company of his brother Máximo), countless trips under his belt, an online club that works as an on-demand cooking channel, and extensive consulting and alliance work with brands.

About to end one of her busiest years, Juliana pauses and dedicates herself to chatting and taking stock. The space seems favorable: after so many bags packed, the note happens at the Four Seasons hotel.

News: At what point do we find it?

Juliana López May: I feel consolidated as a cook and also as a person, I feel at peace. I’m not going to look for anything. I’m like showing again what I’ve been doing for so long.

News: Does that make you enjoy the profession more?

Lopez May: Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn’t do something else, to have more challenges… “Will I have to go out and do something new? Am I not too calm?” But the truth is that I have a very good quality of life. I work a lot, I travel, I do many things all the time, so when I’m in Buenos Aires I try to do what I like at my own time. I don’t go crazy wanting to do more than necessary. And that’s not not doing, it’s being sure of what I’m doing. Go with a firm step, be happy, not giddy. For many years of my life I said yes to everything because I didn’t think there would be a tomorrow. Today I enjoy everything I do and I like how it turns out.

News: Was it difficult for you to get to that point?

Lopez May: It was difficult for me because as I grew in the profession I also grew as a person, and sometimes you don’t understand where you have to go or what your success is. There are many questions that arise. Until I had a professional crisis that helped me understand that I could work from another place, leaving the traditional kitchen. Something that I continue to maintain to this day.

News: You started a collection of books, where did the idea come from?

Lopez May: “Drinks and breads” came out first and “Cake and salads” has just been released. Two will come out per year. After making “Essential Juliana” I had millions of very beautiful recipes that I couldn’t pass up. And I wanted to make a simple collection, possible to buy, not excessively expensive. I wanted to think about the menu from beginning to end, that’s why they are in chronological order and are thematic. It is a medley of recipes by theme and there will be four in total. Main courses and desserts follow. They are books to keep in the kitchen and get dirty.

News: There are gluten-free recipes in the bread book. Are you interested in investigating the different food trends that exist today?

Lopez May: Yes, of course, I was always involved in the alternative. I don’t like to pigeonhole myself into anything, but I like to have knowledge of everything. In general my recipes can be adapted to all types of cuisine.

News: Do you think front labeling is useful?

Lopez May: What a topic… I am launching some biscotti and seed crackers on the market without additives or preservatives, but they have three octagons, because they have sugar, flour, salt. And if I had a restaurant and I packaged them in cellophane at home, I wouldn’t have octagons. It’s very misleadingbecause we all know that soda is bad and that industrialized cookies are bad, but nevertheless an Oreo and an artisanal biscotti have the same category. Everything that one can educate from public health adds up, but there are other ways. In Australia, for example, packaging has quality stars. Then you buy one that has four stars because of how healthy it is. It is a positive purchase.

News: From the first books to these, it seems that it has been edited, increasingly more minimalist and simple. Does that apply to everything in your life?

Lopez May: Yes, better and less! Simpler. I was editing to death and I would like to edit myself a lot more. Maybe it’s about getting to know each other more.

News: You work and travel a lot, how do you organize your time between family and work?

Lopez May: I always had very good help. My husband works with me and when I’m not there, he’s there. I have a sister who is tough and she helps me with the kids and with the pools. My children are 15 and 14 years old. They still need me a lot, and I like to be present. I also understand that they have a mother who loves her work and I think that is important to convey. I never felt guilty about working or traveling, I didn’t feel “poor things, what a mother they have.” Likewise, when they were younger I left them little gifts, letters, now they hardly even realize that I left or came back…

News: And what is it like working with your husband?

Lopez May: Ramiro has an enormous capacity for work. He is an economist and takes care of all my administrative and commercial aspects, everything that I don’t know how to do. I take care of the creative part, the classes, the recipes, what to show in the agreements with the brands. But we work together and we don’t step on each other. Of course, I come home and I don’t want to talk about work. For me life is a circle full of portions. Work works in one place, children in another, a partner in another, personal life alone in another. I am very clear about it and I try to allocate time to each portion. And every once in a while I have to go check if the scale is not out of whack. Although what always suffers the most is personal time, I try to never overlook it.

News: Have you said no a lot?

López May: Yes, to brands, to proposals that seemed to me could be better and do not represent the value that they should be for me.r. This year it was very difficult for me to say no to one, but it was not an honest value. I worked a lot for free and I do things without getting paid, and sometimes it seems to me that if everyone wins in a business, why not me? I no longer want to give away my time, that’s why I stay at home and enjoy my garden.

News: What is it like working with your brother?

Lopez May: With Máximo I did a very nice program at Elgourmet and sometimes we have meals at his grocery store. We have nights behind closed doors and it is spectacular, in a minute and a half we understand each other. The next one is December 13. We have different cooking styles, but they complement each other.

News: What do you think of the arrival of the Michelin guide to Argentina?

Lopez May: I think Argentina has super good restaurants. There are very creative and professional people, more and more. And I like it because there are different niches, like subgroups within gastronomy. As a diner, I really enjoy it. At work, I have a different way of seeing things, I am not very competitive. I never needed to be recognized. I consider that the arrival of the Michelin guide is something good for the country, for tourists, for customers, for restaurant owners. It raises the bar and is an international requirement that is great. But it doesn’t define me where I’m going.

News: What do you ask for in 2024?

Lopez May: Every year in my paper diary I write what I would like to do that year from work and personal life. In 2023 I wanted to run a 21k race, but I felt like I didn’t have the physique. In 2024 I would like to have time to be calmer. I wish I could do some meditation retreats, have more of those moments of peace.

News: Are there any new gourmet destinations in the pipeline?

Lopez May: Next year, after 10 years of doing Italy, we leave with a new destination: Paris and Provence. This year I went to do research and tour, and we already have it hyper-designed. It’s going to be a very nice new trip with incredible experiences.

Thanks: Four Seasons Hotel Buenos Aires.

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