Jülich: “Jupsi” a million times faster than normal computers | Regional

by time news

Jülich – A new building was built especially for him, which, thanks to special foundations, absorbs even the smallest shock. Because the new super computer at the Jülich Research Center has given you a lot of peace and quiet for calculating…

His name: “Jupsi” (stands for Juelich Pioneer for Spin Interference). His talent: As a quantum computer, it is millions of times faster than conventional computers (computing power: more than 5000 qubits).

The research center spoke of pioneering work in the development of tomorrow’s information technologies. Quantum computers work differently and are considered to be much more powerful than conventional mainframe computers. Traditional computers work with bits. A bit can only have two states: “One” and “Zero” or “On” and “Off”. Quantum computers, on the other hand, work with qubits (“quantum bits”). A qubit can not only represent “one” and “zero”, but theoretically an infinite number of states in between and all at the same time.

The scientists in Jülich now want to use the cupboard-sized device from the Canadian manufacturer “d-wave” to research to what extent it can accelerate processes. This would be possible, for example, with food supply chains, train timetables or traffic planning – calculations that normal computers would need years for, “Jupsi” could do in days.

NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (46) took part in the commissioning of the quantum computer, and Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger (53, FDP) was involved.


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