Julien Bayou, accused of psychological violence, resigns as national secretary of EELV

by time news

Perhaps he followed the advice launched on Sunday by Yannick Jadot, ex-ecologist presidential candidate? The national secretary of Europe Ecologie Les Verts, Julien Bayou, announced this Monday morning his resignation from his functions within the party, as well as from the co-presidency of the environmental group in the National Assembly. The elected official is accused of psychological violence by an ex-companion, as MP Sandrine Rousseau relayed on France 5 last Monday.

“You may know that I am accused of facts which have not been presented to me, which my accusers-ices say are not criminally reprehensible, and which I cannot therefore defend myself since they refuse to hear me. It’s Kafka in the age of social networks, ”wrote Julien Bayou in a letter addressed to activists and then in a press release. “In the next few hours, I will speak publicly about the grotesque situation in which I find myself,” he also promises.

“Among environmentalists, we do not avoid any questions”

The office of the environmental group in the Assembly had decided last Tuesday to suspend Julien Bayou from his duties as co-president, the day after details on this affair were given by Sandrine Rousseau. She thus recounted having “received for a long time” at her home a “very depressed” ex-companion of the leader who had then “made a suicide attempt because she was so badly”. The ecofeminist assured “that they are obviously several” to be affected by these behaviors, evoking an “ongoing journalistic investigation”.

“The investigation and sanction unit against sexual and gender-based violence was seized this summer and is doing its job”, then indicated number 2 of EELV and deputy Sandra Regol. “Among environmentalists, we do not avoid any questions,” she added to stand out from the rebels caught in the Quatennens affair.

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