July 19, 2016, a man died in Beaumont-sur-Oise

by time news

2023-07-17 06:50:00

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EPISODE 1/3. Seven years ago, the 24-year-old young man died after his arrest by the gendarmes. How this news item was instrumentalized in a state affair.

By Erwan Seznec The portrait of Adama Traoré is brandished by demonstrators in Beaumont-sur-Oise, July 22, 2016, three days after the death of the young man. © THOMAS SAMSON / AFP Published on 07/17/2023 at 06:50

The Adama Traoré case, named after this young man who died just after his arrest by the gendarmerie on July 19, 2016 in Beaumont-sur-Oise, can now only end in a dismissal.

His death gave rise to hundreds of articles, including in the American press. It went up to the top of the state, it was mentioned before the National Assembly. Assa Traoré, half-sister of the deceased, was heard in November 2022 by the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

Nothing foreshadowed such media coverage. In mid-July, the death of Adama Traoré does not make the headlines. Five days earlier, a truck driven by a radicalized Islamist killed 86 people in Nice on the Promenade des Anglais. The minister of the Interior…

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