Jungle camp day 10: Gigi, Cosimo and the number with the four eggs

by time news

Jungle camp day 10
Gigi, Cosimo and the number with the four eggs

Back from their treasure hunt, Gigi and Cosimo first have to confess something.


A lesson in temptation, emotional extremes, a flying car and being thrown out that (bi)polarizes – on the eve of the second week of camp, the dams burst again.

By Ingo Scheel

His “pearl” had asked him to show more emotions. On the tenth day in the jungle camp, the pearl got exactly that: emotions, feelings and even tears flowed at Gigi. “I hate this place,” Gigi admitted to Cecilia. “but I miss my pearl. I would do a great deal for her.” sniff. nose. I would do, if not anything, then at least something for love. Unlike the Pearl, however, Gigi was less willing to do much for his roommates, but more on that later.

Let’s stay with the mixed feelings, and Djamila in particular had to suffer a lot. Her nervous costume had become a bit threadbare at the seams, hunger, the strangers, the exams, the rain – “I didn’t imagine it like that,” she complained on the jungle phone and sent touching greetings to her daughter, for whom she was the whole ordeal takes on here. It was probably the sleepless night before that made her emotional state even more fragile.

Cosimo and Gigi had returned from the treasure hunt that night and fell into bed exhausted – and with a lot of hardships in their luggage, as it turned out the next morning. Djamila wanted to activate Lucas as a backup guard for Gigi, but he did what he likes to do anyway: shrug his shoulders a bit, dodge, doesn’t work, tired, has to crash. “I’m a human too, not a robot”. No, one would like to reply to him, and also not a king of the jungle. With your hands in your pockets, it won’t be enough for the crown, Vaddern was cut from different stuff.

Quattro StaGIGIone instead of Four-Eier-Omelet

But be that as it may, it faded away the next day anyway, because the two treasure hunters, the unstable first-person shooters, had to admit that they had just succumbed to the temptation of a pizza. Alternatively, there would have been four eggs for the residents if Gigi and Cosimo, two bellies for a Hallelujah, had persevered. Four lousy eggs for eleven people wouldn’t have been worth it anyway, according to Gigi, who together with Cosimo just ate the “favorite pizza” offered as an attractant. Quattro StaGIGIone instead of a four-egg omelette, sheer horror in the camp, confusion, frustration, only with Ja-sag URKRAFT something like tolerance, daddies, on the other hand, swatted them off – “That’s immoral” – and Jolina went one better: “Four eggs wouldn’t be bad with the two in general!”

As far as the eggs are concerned, Cecilia set some standards in the subsequent jungle test. At a height of 30 meters, the task was to collect the stars in a suspended automobile with a few worms and worms in the glove compartment. The whole thing turned into a fecal, cursed one-woman show with nine of those yellow parts, only the pre-camp manicure Cecilia would probably do differently next time given the knot fiddling: “Why do I have such kacknails?”

Jungle camp day 10: Gigi, Cosimo and the number with the four eggs

We have to owe the answer at this point, but not the information about what there was as epicurean reward. The good A namely three times: aubergine, amaranth, avocado. And a wallaby on top. Skippy, the barbecue kangaroo, caused everyone, even the pizza-saturated Italo faction, to rumble in anticipation, only Tessa’s popularity was in the low single digits: “I’ll get half a fucking avocado, for real or what?” It blurted out you. When a fire was finally lit under the pot and the wallaby, neatly dismembered, simmered in it, the odor caused her the usual upset. There was talk of the “decomposed stench of sizzling corpses”, a nice table conversation sounds different.

The last avocado

What Tessa didn’t suspect at this point, because the camp carnivores were gnawing their bones shortly afterwards: It was her last avocado in the camp, the viewers at home seemed to have had enough of her and left the phone on the cradle . That came as a bit of a surprise, as the high-speed trash talk between her and Cecilia had developed into reliably eruptive entertainment.

But nothing there, Tessa Bergmeier went there, where the day before Markus was received by the kiss of the leopard woman, namely to the hotel, her farewell to irritatingly forgiving commitment: “You are unique personalities, I also wish all the stars to get it there, and a good deal on the plate!” Meal time. And so off to the second jungle camp week.

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