Junia Hayashi criticizes feminism and defends submission to her husband

by time news

Being a Christian woman faithful to the Word of God in a context where the ideology of feminism exerts so much influence in society, including churches, is something that may not be so easy. With that in mind, Junia Hayashi made some comments aimed at shedding light on the matter.

For Pastor Téo Hayashi’s wife, many Christian women have an unconscious inclination towards feminist ideologies, since they are the result of a generation where current culture daily bombards distorted concepts about the relationship between men and women.

Junia, who, along with her husband, is also one of the leaders of the Dunamis Movement, explained that she herself had to become aware of this in her life, after marrying Téo at the age of 24. The couple currently has four children!

“When we got married, I realized that I had to deal with a certain amount of rebelliousness. I was very independent, as was my husband. I, in particular, had a lot of difficulty submitting, but I didn’t know that”, she said in an interview for the Guiame portal.

“All this root of feminism that we don’t even know is part of us ends up influencing. A part of feminism is nothing more than the idea that you can do it on your own, you have to be strong, nobody can boss you around, you do what you want with your life”, continues Junia.

“We cannot have a relationship where the man controls the woman in any way. But there is such a beautiful harmony when the man exercises his role, which is to be the head, and the woman submits to her husband’s vision, and together they are a force and work for the Kingdom of God in a much more balanced way.” , she says.

different roles

Junia Hayashi also presented a vision known in theological circles as that of “complementarity”. That is, that God created man and woman with distinct potentialities, cognitively and physically, so that both complement each other in life, in all aspects.

As for the woman’s role, Junia says that “her role is to help her husband on his journey and, therefore, she is under God’s mission and vision for the family”.

“You have a different role, and thank God it’s not the same. Each one has to understand their roles, hear the Lord’s direction and embrace the specific roles, so that this family will really be successful and fruitful”, she concludes. Watch:

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