Just before the final: the “Big Brother” production marks us the winner

by time news

Then, on the weight of that legendary episode of “Seinfeld”, there were six left. writing on the wall After the last dethroned (can we say deposed or is that a spoiler? Well, anyway you’ll know soon) descends the stairs, three men and three women will, in the end, stand on the podium: Talia, Bar, Sheaf, Nathaniel, Ilana and Dror. The truth is that when you look at this six, you realize how much depth there is on the bench this season. Because just as well, one could imagine a completely different final six: take, for example, one that would include Daniel, Marina, Diane, Dina, Kazem and Ofek? These are all tenants who are already history, but could certainly have been in the finals and even won.

Mainly, it should be noted, this is a very strange six. A six that was hard to imagine earlier this season. At least two names from this list made it to the finals of “Undercover” completely: Ilana – although there you have to admit that there was also an element of luck; After all, she was drawn to this final, and not really chosen for it. It is doubtful if she would have survived the impeachment. And a sparrow, which turns out to be a pretty crazy Cinderella story. A tenant without a story, without a narrative, who only thanks to the love of the audience comes within walking distance of the million shekels.

It could have looked completely different. The final six of “Big Brother” (screenshot: Network 13)

The story of the last “Big Brother” episode began with a drama outside the court – at least according to Eran Suisa’s report, the show’s “post” system crashed just before the broadcast, which forced them to change the plans and add another layer (a bit forced in the episode) – one where The tenants are required to address the public, and say why they should stay at home. Did it go completely smoothly? I’m not sure, but you can certainly thank the good Lord that it didn’t happen to them in the final.

Anyway, two tenants were evicted this week – one more surprising, one less so. The real bombshell (also towards the tenants themselves) came on Thursday, with the removal of Daniel Malka. Almost every sane person who bet on this season saw Daniel as the winner at one point or another. Your faithful servant too. He looks like the obvious typecast of a Big Brother winner, but apparently the house has its own rules. Like Diane, like Marina, Daniel is also a super strong tenant – who ultimately succumbed to the wisdom of the masses, and perhaps also to the selection method that needs to change.

Where is the cabinet when you need it. "the big brother" (Screenshot: Network 13)

Where is the cabinet when you need it. “Big Brother” (screenshot: Network 13)

Riva Reslan, who was the last to leave the house until the final, was less surprising in her departure. As long as her power group, the “cabinet”, was there – it provided her with the oxygen cylinders to keep going (even on a mental level). From the moment Kazem left the house (after Sharin and Dina), Riva was left with no wind in her sails. In contrast to Daniel’s removal, which was met with complete shock, in Riva’s case there were comforting hugs, but no astonishment. Even she may have smelled it coming.

So it seems that more than the headline of Riva’s elimination, the main headline from Saturday’s episode is the rather amazing survival of Dror Rockenstein. After all the “tenants of the middle of the priesthood” flew like flies (sometimes several of them flew in the same episode), it was Dror who made his way to the finals – always about to be eliminated, but always also survives it. What is the secret of the magic? There is something very endearing about the sparrow, in his reserved humor, in his very distinct character, in the catchphrases he throws into the air.

Wait, how did you make it to the finals?  sparrow, "the big brother" (Screenshot: Network 13)

Wait, how did you make it to the finals? Dror, “The Big Brother” (screenshot: Network 13)

But Dror’s story may stem from much more than what’s going on outside the home – and what looks like a pretty aggressive voter recruitment campaign in his favor. By the way, there is nothing wrong with that: probably quite a few tenants had some kind of machine that helped them outside (around Talia, for example, there is talk of a serious support campaign), and if not something organized, then just those who wanted the tenant’s welfare probably worked for him on the networks. It’s OK. What is worth paying attention to is that it has almost nothing to do with behavior at home – good or bad. He created a very smart alliance with two strong tenants, Nathaniel and Daniel, and Malka’s free voices must have served him well (those who love one – probably also love the other). Now, when the battle is not about elimination, but about winning, it will be very interesting to see how Daniel’s votes will be divided in the division between his two best friends, in the true moment of the season.

Just a picture of a bar so we remember it's still there. "the big brother" (Screenshot: Network 13)

Just a picture of a bar so we remember it’s still there. “Big Brother” (screenshot: Network 13)

So who will win this season? You never know, of course, mainly because all my bets so far have fallen on their faces. But at least according to the insinuations, the production definitely marks Nathanael as the winner. This was particularly noticeable in yesterday’s episode, in which (besides the elimination, of course) was the message he received from Diane. At exactly the right moment, “Big Brother” floods us with the winning couple of the house, returning us to the outstanding relationship of the season – however you turn it, thus definitely serving Nathaniel’s interest, a trend that also started in previous episodes. In my opinion, Nathaniel is on a sure course to become the winner, both through elimination and because of the good story, but – as Yoram Arbel once said – the world can turn upside down in six days. Ask Daniel Malka.

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