Just let Pumuckl be Pumuckl

by time news

2023-06-23 15:25:35

opinion warnings

Pumuckl and the Amazon moralists

Status: 3:25 p.m. | Reading time: 3 minutes

Let’s all be like Pumuckl!

Quelle: picture-alliance/ dpa

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The goblin with the red hair has not experienced that in his 60 years: Amazon recommends 15 historical “Pumuckl” episodes only for Ü12, warns of alcohol, cigarettes and violence – and declares everything to be a mistake. There is a method behind it.

Many a Pumuckl fan should be looking forward to the weekend when the new edition of the popular stories about master carpenter Eder and the cheeky goblin will premiere at the film festival in Munich. “New stories from Pumuckl” is the name of the series that will be published on RTL+ at the end of the year.

But there are also news from Pumuckl regardless of that, the little redhead is causing a sensation again. Because Pumuckl was canceled for its actual target group – namely small children – on Amazon Prime. The outrage among the fans is great.

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But from the beginning: All 52 Pumuckl adventures from the old episodes of “Meister Eder and his Pumuckl” can currently be seen on the streaming platform. Now several of them have been provided with a warning and are only released from the age of twelve. Under “Notes on the content” it is also explained why: The affected episodes contained “violence, alcohol consumption and smoking”. Specifically affected are 15 episodes – which have been broadcast several times on free television since the early 1980s. Without warning, without problems, morning, noon, evening. No problem.

Yes, it’s true: in the first episode of the old series – in “Spuk in der Werkstatt” – the first pub scene in a typical Bavarian inn can be seen after about ten minutes. There is drinking, laughing and teasing. And again a good ten minutes later you can actually see Mr. Bernbacher in his panties standing in his apartment. In general, there is a lot of ranting throughout the series. reign times!

team beware

Pumuckl is an authentic witness of his time, of the Bavarian culture of humor and mockery, of tradition and art. Do you need to be warned about this? You suddenly need a permit from the age of twelve, which was not necessary for decades? Because of beer consumption and because someone smokes?

No. As long as there are no violent or disturbing scenes, paternalism and coddling is completely inappropriate. Greetings from Team Caution. The world is not perfect. Even children can understand this – they even have to.

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Especially since the pimping up of the Pumuckl is now really annoying: In 2015, illustrations by Pumuckl for a new book were to be deliberately streamlined in order to appeal to a new generation. Pumuckl wasn’t allowed to be fat, who is fat? There was resistance, in the end Pumuckl was allowed to be shown with his little tummy.

It is similar now: Amazon Prime announced that it would reconsider the age rating. It was a mistake, wrongly deposited. If you only ask yourself why this happened with selected episodes and only becomes apparent after the criticism.

You can only do it like Pumuckl himself: be cheeky, disobey – and certainly not take everything seriously. Just let Pumuckl be Pumuckl. Hooray, hooray! The goblin with the red hair!

#Pumuckl #Pumuckl

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