Just married? These are the requirements to obtain IMSS financial support for your marriage

by time news

He Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) has a program for just Marriedbecause a wedding is usually a huge expense for the couple, so ‘Help for Marriage Expenses’ provides economic support to workers who have just married or have never applied for it.

The economic program establishes that the IMSS provides 30 days of the value of the Unit of Measurement and Update (UMA), in 2023 it is equivalent to 3 thousand 153 pesos, although the value of the financial benefit it can vary according to the year in which people have entered into a civil marriage.

According to the IMSS, it can only be delivered to one of the people who got married, managing to deliver the benefit to an average of 72 thousand people each year.

In addition, this help can be requested at the IMSS and also at the Retirement Fund Administrator (Outside).

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Have a minimum of 150 listed weeks before the Institute in the retirement insurance or have unemployment at an advanced age and old age on the date of the celebration of the marriage.

The applicant or with whom married You do not have to have previously exercised the right to marriage aid.

In case you have registered another spouse as beneficiary certify the dissolution of the marriage bondl.

be current as insured.

In case you left the Compulsory Regimeresignation or dismissal, may be requested as long as the marriage was contracted within the 90 business days post drop.

That he Civil marriage was held after the June 30, 1977.

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official identification with photograph and signature, in force in accordance with the legislation that applies to each of them

Proof of studies

Any document or identification issued by the IMSS with the Social Security number

curp (Unique Population Registry Code) in simple copy or print of the same, obtained through the Internet page of the National Population Registry.

certified copy of Marriage certificate issued in the offices or courts of the Civil Registry of the corresponding Federal Entity

Statement of account obtained from the page of the Internet of the AFORE that manages the individual account or signed contract with the AFOREwith an age of no more than six months

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