“Kabila”, the man who considers the DRC as “a property of his siblings” – Congo Indépendant

by time news

2023-06-29 01:33:08

Talk to? Will not speak? These are two questions that observers of Congolese politics are asking themselves. These questions have arisen since Friday, June 16, the date of the political exit of the former raïs after three years of hostile silence. Another question: the former head of state will speak to say what at the risk of failing in his duty of reserve?

“Joseph Kabila” arrived Wednesday, June 28 in Lubumbashi, the former capital of the province of Katanga which he considers his “stronghold”. On the grounds that his putative father, Laurent-Désiré Kabila – who was assassinated on January 16, 2001 in circumstances not yet elucidated – had parents from the Ruund or Lunda and Luba ethnic groups of Katanga.

According to witnesses, the predecessor of “Fatshi” ostensibly held a copy of the Constitution promulgated on February 18, 2006. As if to say that the Fundamental Law would have become his bedside book. O tempora, o mores. Other times, other customs.

Receiving parliamentarians from his political family on the aforementioned Friday, “Kabila” split the armor by showing his impatience to return to the political arena. On this occasion, he promised to address the population ” in the near future “. In a provocative tone, he urged his supporters “to dignity and resistance”. In order, according to him, “to get the country out of the crisis in which it is plunged”.

Question: “Kabila” will speak to say what? Will he run for the presidential election scheduled for December 20? Will he announce the candidacy of his wife “Marie Olive” for the Presidential? Will he finally reveal, as some gossips whisper, the “African compromise” he would have made with Felix Tshisekedi Tshilombo after the presidential election of December 30, 2018? What happened to the electoral results announced on January 10, 2019 by the CENI (National Independent Electoral Commission) and confirmed on the 19th of the same month by the Constitutional Court presided at the time by Benoît Lwamba Bindu?

Born abroad – between Rwanda and Tanzania – “Joseph Kabila” set foot on Zairian-Congolese soil in October 1996 at the earliest and January 1997 at the latest. Born, it seems, in June 1971 , the man must have been 25 years old. After the death of President LD Kabila, “Joseph” whose real surname would be Hyppolite Mtwale became caliph instead of the caliph. To everyone’s surprise. What is the mechanism that allowed its designation? “The government had decided so” stammered She Léonard Okitundu, then Minister of Foreign Affairs. It’s the best-protected state secret.

Coincidence or not, almost all of the actors who participated in this “state secret” are no longer of this world. This is particularly the case of: Jeannot Mwenze Kongolo, Augustin Katumba Mwanke, Emile Mota Ndongo, Gaëtan Kakudji, Abdoulaye Yerodia Ndombasi, Dominique Sakombi-Inongo, Timothée Mukuntu Kiyana. The list is not exhaustive.

For the vast majority of Congolese, “Joseph” and his siblings remain a real mystery. And this, twenty-six years after the so-called “liberation” – led mainly by the armies of Rwanda and Uganda – which had brought “Papa Kabila” to power. The vast majority of Congolese are struggling to decipher the enigmatic trio that formed a “parallel government” during the eighteen years of power of “Kabila”. Some firmly believe that the latter would be a Rwandan-Ugandan “agent” in charge of a mission. This would consist of keeping Greater Congo on its knees to preserve the national security of Uganda and Rwanda.

From left to right: Zoé, Jaynet and Joseph “Kabila”

Invested at the head of the Congolese state on January 26, 2001, “Kabila” never believed in democracy. Even less with the democratic alternation which constitutes one of the major concerns having guided the legislators of 2005 in the organization of the current institutions. Establishing the rule of law and countering any dictatorial drift are among these major concerns.

Without wanting to anticipate, “Kabila” came to power three months after the launch of the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) by the United Nations General Assembly in October 2000. “Primary education for all” was one of the priorities. In a report published by UNDP and UNICEF in 2016, Congo-Kinshasa had 16 million adults who could not read or write. You heard it right. The second term of the President-in-Office expired on December 19, 2016.

We can never say enough that “Joseph Kabila” never believed in elections, even less in democratic alternation, like his models, the Ugandan Yoweri K. Museveni and Paul Kagame. The man has never won an election.

Some might smile, but during the presidential elections of July 2006 and November 2011, “Joseph” was beaten respectively by Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo and Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba. He was kept in power by the famous “international community”.

In the first case, Bemba was elected in the first round with 52% against 27.7%. “I did everything you wanted: I hired experts from PAREC, PPRD and other agents of the People’s Power Committee to the Independent Electoral Commission in order to have control over all electoral issues. But it is the people who voted and recognize the direction of their voices.. This excerpt is taken from a fax addressed in particular to Monuc and CIAT (International Committee to support the transition). The issuer is none other than Abbé Apollinaire Malumalu, then president of the CEI. ” In my viewhe concluded, there is no reason to delay the publication of the results unduly, these having been brought to the attention of the public by the religious denominations (…). Failing this, play to decide between them in the second round on the condition of quickly raising the funds necessary for the organization of this stage(…)”. The second round will be organized in October of the same year.

“Joseph Kabila” and his siblings consider Congo-Kinshasa as a legacy bequeathed to them by “Papa Kabila”. In September 2016, Zoé “Kabila” created the event some three months before the expiration of the second term of her eldest. In an interview with Trésor Kibangula, then a journalist at Jeune Afrique, he had these words: ” We [les Kabila] we are not ready to relinquish power to anyone”. Adding: “Our father shed his blood for this country. When we were children, he kept telling us that it was us who were going to rebuild the DR Congo”.

As long as “Joseph Kabila” and his Ugandan and Rwandan mentors have not understood, willingly or by force, that the DRC belongs to the Congolese and that the pseudo-liberators of May 17, 1997 are wrong to consider this country as the Cave of ‘Ali Baba, the worst is yet to come.

Baudouin Amba Wetshi



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#Kabila #man #considers #DRC #property #siblings #Congo #Indépendant

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