Kagame prepares the genocide of the Congolese Tutsis – Congo Indépendant

by time news

@Ndeko Nono,
Once an avid reader of Afrikarabia, Reseau Voltaire and Agora, we now prefer Afrique Médias which advocates Pan-Africanism in all its splendor and has almost 1 billion followers, subscribers and readers because the bogus narrative [sur la problématique RDC occupée par les Banyarwanda Empire Hima ou EAC « East African Community »] political correctness of mainstream lies in other words merdias is very insulting for real Kongolese. In addition to the omerta imposed on them on the RWANDO-UGANDASE Occupation and the FORGOTTEN KONGOLESE GENOCIDE, Western journalists take Black Africans in general and Kongolese in particular for little idiots colonized until 2023. The Afrikarabia article says “Thierry Vircoulon and Marc-André Lagrange analyze the new approach to the “problem of the East” by Félix Tshisekedi. The new president, “appointed” under disputed conditions, after a political agreement concluded with Joseph Kabila, decided to “relaunch security cooperation with Ugandan and Rwandan neighbors”, this journalistic approach of the Western press is extremely neocolonialist and also confirms this that Nietszche said “One more century of journalism all words will stink”. Felix Antoine Tshisekedi was named by a Rwandan impostor Hippolyte Kanambe alias Joseph Kabila, even Satan the once anointed Cherub and his hordes know this. This clearly confirms that these Western Whites still take or consider Black African Kongolese as Untermensch (sub-humans) or slaves in the middle of the 21st century. Under what conflicting, partisan and consensual democracy on this Earth do we name [après un DEAL MAFIEUX sous forme de CONTRAT INTUITU PERSONAE] a ceremonial president by a Trojan Horse from Rwanda to KONGO-ZAIRE, moreover a Rwandan impostor who has reached the top of the failed and occupied state. The whole genocidal problem of the aggression and the Occupation of our Great and Beautiful Country KONGO-ZAIRE from the East originates from the Imperialist sponsorship of the Hima Empire or EAC “East African Community” by their Sponsors Westerners (USA EU, UN, NATO and their auxiliaries mainstream media lies). This article is a copy paste of the ultra-detailed articles of the Kongolese Combatant Resistance on the Apareco Site from the time of Mr. Honoré Ngbanda Ko Atumba who also spoke of the Rwandanization of the FARDC (Forces Armées Rwandaises Disseminées-Déployées au Congo-Kinshasa) where the media mainstream lies speak wickedly of the Demobilization, Disarmament and Reintegration (DDR) program to foreign armed groups Soon these same media will be talking all over the place about the presidential elections in the occupied DRC of black Africans, organized by the CENI pro Rwanda of the gifted false Kimbanguist Denis Kadima [piègé par notre Compatriote Fabien Kusuanika] member of the Udps Familiale Limete-Pétunias Sous-Bois despite whole swaths of the national territory occupied by the Rwandan-Ugandan M23 but will never do so for Ukraine made up of whites, 18% of whose territory is already in the hands of the , Russian Army. Arthur Schopenaeur said “All truth goes through three stages, first it is ridiculed, then it is violently opposed and finally it is accepted as evidence. “. Good continuation @Ndeko Nono. LONG LIVE THE POPULAR UPRISING. INGETA

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