Kalush Orchestra and others: a charity show in support of Ukraine took place in Berlin | News from Germany about Germany | DW

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At the bright performance “Save Ukraine – #StopWar” (“Save Ukraine – stop the war”), organized on the evening of Sunday, May 29, in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, star musicians from Ukraine recalled the war that has been raging in their homeland for almost 100 days, and called for donations for Ukrainian hospitals. The show organizers and the police estimated that the charity marathon attracted about 15,000 spectators.

Olaf Scholz assured the Ukrainian people of full support

Ukrainian TV channels, like TV channels in other countries, broadcast the charity event live. During the show, video messages were shown from many prominent figures, including politicians, including German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The head of the German government assured the people of Ukraine, which was attacked by Russia, of German solidarity. “We stand by your side,” he said.

Together with friends and partners, Germany provides financial support to Ukraine to prevent the collapse of its economy, Scholz said. He also recalled that Germany is helping Ukraine with weapons, as well as the fact that almost 800,000 Ukrainians received asylum in Germany. In addition, plans are being developed for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. “Because this war will end,” Scholz stressed.

Award for winning Eurovision – for the needs of the Ukrainian army

This year the winners of the popular international song contest “Eurovision”, which took place two weeks ago in Turin, Italy, was the Ukrainian group Kalush Orchestra with the composition Stefania. Shortly before their performance in Berlin, the musicians announced that they had auctioned the crystal microphone they received for winning the Eurovision Song Contest for $900,000 and that the proceeds would go to the needs of the Ukrainian army.

The funds raised at the charity marathon in Berlin are intended for hospitals in twelve regions of Ukraine, which treat those who were injured during the war unleashed by Russia. This money can be used to purchase medical equipment such as x-ray machines.

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