KAPI are finding momentum again

by time news
Editorial Room News

Training actions on technology issues continue in all the KAPI of the Municipality of Ioannita, through the pilot program “Digital Corners”, which is implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Digital Governance.

In all KAPIs, specialized staff train elderly people, members of KAPIs, in new technologies, with the program developing very well, as mentioned by the president of OKPAPA Dimitris Panos, inviting other older Ioannitians to support the institution of KAPIs and to participate in their actions.

After more than 2.5 years due to the pandemic, the PPEs reopened before the Christmas holidays, however they have not yet returned to the pace of the previous period. Mr. Panou invited anyone who wishes to register, to do so by the end of March, in order to also participate in the elections for the selection of KAPI representatives.

The “Digital Corners” are one of the actions implemented with the aim of upgrading the quality of the services offered by KAPI, while at the same time the exercise and dance programs continue. At the same time, in collaboration with the EPSEP and the Neurological Clinic of the University General Hospital, mental assessment actions are implemented and then, if necessary, intervention groups for mental empowerment are undertaken.

Of course, as Mr. Panou noted, in order to upgrade the services of the KAPIS, of the entire country as well as of the city, financial support and the recruitment of personnel are required, as there are many needs for the supply of new or replacement of outdated equipment, such as . technological and physical therapy equipment, while they have been deprived of permanent staff and rely mainly on contract workers. Also, new specialties are missing in order to be able to offer modern services.

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